The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a case against a private person of Delhi and unknown others under relevant provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and the Information Technology Act, 2000. The accused had allegedly created three accounts and around 20 channels / groups on Telegram App for sale of obscene/objectionable material (videos/photos) including CSAM (Child sexual abusive material).
It was further alleged that out of these, two accounts were for advertising posts / messages for sale of obscene videos / photos including the CSAM, the CBI said in a statement.
It was also alleged that in response to the advertisement and after bargaining with the customers / seekers, the accused received the payments via Paytm / Google Pay among others.
On receipt of payments, the accused allegedly shared the link(s) of various group(s)/ channel(s) of Telegram, in which objectionable material including CSAM, was being shared with members, the agency further said.
The accused allegedly sold the obscene videos / photos including CSAM for an amount of Rs 250 by adding the customer(s) / seekers into these groups / channels.
Searches were conducted recently at the premises of the accused at Delhi. The mobile phone recovered during the searches is being analysed and further investigation is continuing, it added.
A Special Unit “Online Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention/ Investigation (OCSAE)” has been created in CBI, New Delhi for matters pertaining to online child sexual abuse and exploitation. Apart from receiving various references/information, the unit is undertaking investigation of various offences relating to online child sexual abuse and exploitation.