Opera Mini browser on Monday said its users in India can now transfer images, videos and audio files between nearby devices at high speeds, without using their mobile data.
With the new offline file sharing feature in Opera Mini, there is no longer any need to download a dedicated file sharing app.
The native offline file sharing feature in Opera Mini can transfer files at speeds of up to 300MB/s, making it the fastest solution for file sharing.
"Opera Mini is the mobile browser of choice for more than a hundred million people. With the new offline file sharing feature, Opera Mini users can now choose to share files at high speeds with people in their proximity, without worrying about low speeds or expensive mobile data", Kystian Kolondra, Head of Browsers at Opera, said in a statement.
To start sending or receiving files, a user needs to open File Sharing in the menu and choose Send or Receive. Opera Mini will display a QR code for the nearby device to scan, connecting the devices.
Once a file is successfully transferred, the sender will be notified, and the receiver will be able to access the file in the Received tab shown in Opera Mini.
Opera Mini introduces offline file sharing capability
Monday, 23 September 2019 | IANS
| New Delhi
Opera Mini introduces offline file sharing capability
Monday, 23 September 2019 | IANS | New Delhi