The Bokaro thermal police on late night on Friday arrested two cyber criminals including a woman from different locations from Ranchi. The accused persons were involved in swapping ATM cards and doing fraudulent online money transfer from Jogendra Singh,a resident of Kathara area within limits of Bokaro thermal police station from September 9, 2018, to September 12, 2018, in Ahmedabad in Gujrat.
The arrested persons were Nisant Singh and his mother Reena Singh. Police today sent both of them to judicial custody, said Officer in-Charge Umesh Kumar Thakur.
Bokaro SP P Murugan said that police took action on a complaint filed by Jogendra Singh son of late Deeplal Singh, a resident of Kathara qr no AAO/A/5. In his complaint,filed in September 21, 2018, he told police that on September 4, 2018, to September 12, 2018, they used to hack my ATM card, the arrested persons swapped victim’s ATM cards and know the PIN codes which they used to feed in machine while withdrawing Rs 70,000. He said the ATM cards of victims were later also used in online money transferred Rs 5,10,000 through Mobikwik web site from victim’s account.
Police said that later in the day between September 4, 2018, to 12, 2018, Rs 5,80,165 was deducted from Jogendra Singh’s account. After which he reported the Bokaro thermal police station. Police registered a case against the culprits under relevant sections of IPC and IT Act and started investigations.