A movie titled Little Baby, shot in Dehradun, is all set to be released next month. Starring Priyanshu Chatterjee and Gulnaz Siganporia, the movie has been directed by Shekhar S Jha and produced by Rinku Singh. The poster of the film was unveiled recently by the actor and the film’s team on social media handles.
The actor who made his debut with a sensitive portrayal of his character in Tum Bin followed by performances in films like Dil Ka Rishta, Pinjar and Badshaho, Priyanshu plays the role of a cop in the latest movie. Little Baby tells the story of the bond between a father and his daughter.
While Priyanshu plays a cop in the film, Gulnaz Siganporia plays his daughter. “Little Baby is about the communication gap that exists between generations,” said the movie director Shekhar. “Indian parents rarely speak openly with their children. Their priorities often do not match. It results in persistent problems.
Our film is about a father who realises that his daughter is headed in a wrong direction. Instead of letting the relationship disintegrate, he reaches out with love and tries to understand his daughter. I’ve worked with Priyanshu before and he was my first choice for the film,” he added.
Recalling his experience of shooting in Dehradun, Priyanshu says, “Dehradun is a lovely place.
It is very green and beautiful. We were shooting there during Holi and the whole unit celebrated Holi like a family there. I would love to visit Dehradun often.” The movie is slated for release on September 20.