Formers Union Minister and Congress candidate from Ranchi parliamentary seats, Subodh Kant Sahay said on Wednesday that Congress is always with farmers and poor.
“The party waived the loans of farmers when voted to power in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Congress National president Rahul Gandhi has announced that the party will give Rs. 72, 000 to poor under Nyay Scheme when it will come in power in this election”, he added.
Sahay was speaking on the occasion of a meeting organised by Ranchi Other Backward Class cell of the party. The meeting was chaired by Sumit Sahu.
Speaking on the occasion former State Secretary, Aditya Vikram Jaisawal said that the State BJP Government and Ranchi Municipal Corporation have completely failed to provide drinking water facility in the scorching heat. As people across the city facing severe problem due to drinking water crisis, said Jaisawal.