Mamata Banerjee has foreseen a “one-election-one-leader-one-party “presidential rule” in India. Launching a vitriolic attack on the Narendra Modi Government from a rally of the party’s students’ arm Trinamool Congress Chhatra Parishad, the Bengal Chief Minister on Wednesday said, “here I am making a final prediction for you … India is going towards a one-election-one-leader-one-party and one emergency rule… that is their (BJP’s) ultimate agenda.”
Citing how the country was living under a shadow of fear she said no political party could raise its voice when the Kumaraswamy Government was toppled in Karnataka. “The general political climate of the country from Kashmir to elsewhere is one of panic,” Banerjee said lashing out at the Centre on a host of issues.
Aiming at the Modi Government for pursuing a policy of repression she said “their policy is one of occupy the entire country, leave no space for dissenting voice, break the judiciary, break the media,” which had no cue on what was going on in Kashmir.
Referring to the goings on in Kashmir she said, “look how they have subjected everyone under the gun in Kashmir … No one has any information (on that State). They do not even allow the media to go and report about the ground situation there. No one is allowed to speak on the issue.”
On how the opposition parties were being forcibly broken by using central agencies against them Banerjee alleged that the opposition leaders including their MPs and MLAs were being summoned and threatened by the CBI, ED and other agencies.
“Here they are threatening my colleagues and me with CBI and ED but I am not afraid of them. Today they have summoned my brothers, tomorrow they will summon me. But I am not afraid of going to jail. Even if they send me to jail I will not stop opposing them,” Banerjee said adding “from jail I will continue my fight considering it as another struggle for Independence and never bow down to the BJP’s politics.”