Living in a material world

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Living in a material world

Sunday, 01 September 2019 | AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI

Living in a material world

Pain in present material world indicates that not everything was right in our past lives. This is karmaphala, says AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI

A famous film star suffered deep depression; her latest film had flopped. And this was the film which she had hoped would make her stand out in the film industry. She had co-produced this film after many successes as an actress. She had worked very hard and in her mind she had not left anything to chance. Therefore, once the film bombed at the box office, her heart was broken. She went into heavy depression. But she was no fool; she was determined to get to the root of her problem. She began calling her friends when the numbness caused by the setback somewhat lessened. None could really help with their words of sympathy; she wanted to know the real cause of the failure.

Out of desperation, she called a college friend, with whom she was not in touch. This friend had spiritual leanings. That was the reason that she was not exactly her favourite. Desperate times called for desperate measures; so she sought her out. That friend was surprised to hear from her now famous friend. They met and this friend requested the actress to accompany her to the ashram of her guru. After initial hesitation, she agreed to do so because her friend was insistent that if anyone could help her, it was this person.

Upon reaching the ashram, they sought an audience with the guru. One of the residents recognised the actress and rushed to the guru in great excitement. They were asked to wait. Once the call came, they went to meet the exalted personality. He asked them to be seated and, then, asked about the purpose of their visit. The friend shared the actress’ predicament. The guru looked unperturbed and asked, “What is new?” The actress was surprised. She thought the guru was joking. She said emphatically, “I am very unhappy.” The guru replied, “I have heard that but what is unusual about it? We all have mood changes. Who can stay in one fixed mood? Once in a material body in this material world, we all are prone to mood swings.” The actress said, “I have never felt so bad earlier.” The guru replied, “You were lucky. By the way, what has caused this?”

The actress explained about the failure of her latest film. The guru stated, “Success and failure are the results of one’s fate, especially the big ones. One cannot ensure success by mere present efforts.” He then stated, “Do you realise how many businessmen are trying hard but never reach the big league. You were destined to be successful early on in your career. Now a bad period has come.” The actress nodded her head and asked, “What can I do now to get over this extreme disappointment? The guru replied, “God can help. You pray to Him for solace and He will respond.”

The actress, not a believer, seemed disappointed. The guru read her mind and said, “It is not as difficult as you are imagining. God does not normally interfere in the working of the karmaphala principle according to which we are rewarded or punished for our acts, but He can and does intervene for His devotees once something bad happens. How do you think that I try to maintain equanimity? God helps. We, human beings, are intrinsically small and are given to react in extreme manners. No one is exempt from bad happenings, because our very presence in this painful material world indicates that not everything was right in our past lives; that is we carry the baggage from our past; all of us do. A sound connection with God ensures a degree of stability. The actress listened to the guru in rapt attention. This was something she had never heard before.

She asked for guidance to be able to do what the guru was telling; she was desperate. The guru explained many processes and asked the actress to choose what suited her. After giving it much thought, the actress smiled and said, “I feel that I can do what you are suggesting. I needed a ray of hope and you have shown me the light. I thank you sincerely.” And, they left.

Bishnoi is a spiritual writer and can be reached at  

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