Samajwadi Party chief and former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav said that if the united opposition failed to dislodge the Bharatiya Janata Party from the Centre in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, the opposition leaders would be forced to sell ‘pakoras’ on the street.
Yadav said the democratic political order was under great threat and all opposition parties should do their best to prevent the BJP from returning to power again in 2019.
The SP chief said this while flagging off a ‘Save Democracy, Save India’ cycle yatra in Etawah on Friday.
“If we fail to defeat the BJP in the next general election, then be ready to sell ‘pakoras’ near some nullah as the Prime Minister has already said that methane gas is produced from the gutter and provides employment to youths,” Akhilesh said.
The SP president said that democracy would come to an end in the country if the BJP was voted back to power in 2019.
He said the cycle yatra would not stop and it would spread awareness among people about BJP’s conspiracy to decimate Indian democracy.
“This yatra will save the nation’s democracy and it will culminate only after dislodging the BJP from power in Delhi in the 2019 poll. People have seen through the BJP’s conspiracy against democracy. They have tested their tools during the 2017 Assembly polls and formed a government here. People will give the BJP a befitting reply in the 2019 polls,” Akhilesh opined.
The SP chief alleged that the BJP government had denied government jobs to Dalits and backward class youths and if his party returned to power in UP in 2022, the old system of recruitment would be implemented.
Akhilesh also attacked Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for suggesting to farmers to stop sowing sugarcane and shift to vegetables.
Hitting out at the BJP, SP general secretary Ram Gopal Yadav said, “The BJP will use every trick to win elections, like splitting political parties and floating new outfits to split anti-BJP votes, ahead of the 2019 election.”
Ram Gopal said the battle of 2019 would be a very tough battle for the party cadre as their survival would be at stake.