The true meaning of the thread

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The true meaning of the thread

Monday, 07 August 2017 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

The true meaning of the thread

Rakhi offers protection not just for sisters but brothers too, says Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

Raksha Bandhan orRakhi  is a special occasion to celebrate the chaste bond of love between a brother and a sister which is one of the deepest and noblest of human emotions. This bond of love is so strong that it can’t be broken easily. On the auspicious day of full moon in  the holy month of Shravan (Shravan Poornima), a sister ties holy thread of love on her brother’s wrist to express her love and bonding. This thread, which pulsates with sisterly love and sublime sentiments, is rightly called theRakhi which means a bond of protection.

Although this festival of siblings is mainly prevalent among Hindus,  due to its uniqueness, people of all religions in India celebrate it with much enthusiasm and gusto. Raksha Bandhan is not just a festival but a symbol of our traditions and culture that keeps us connected with our family sacraments. The original spirit of this festival lies in two words i.e Raksha which means to protect and Bandhan which means binding or bonding. So, in simple words, to bind oneself for protecting someone is Raksha Bandhan. On this day the sister ties silken thread ofrakhi on her beloved brother’s wrist, thereby metaphorically strengthening the bond of love that exists in their relation and in return, the brothers also make a promise to the sisters to protect them lifelong from all kind of problems. It’s a fact that from the time we are born till the time we die, we are constantly surrounded by some kind of fear or insecurities, and where there is a feeling of fear within, the spirit of protection automatically becomes prime. It is this spirit of protection with which a sister ties rakhi to her brother while praying to the almighty to keep him  always safe and secure.

There are many legends associated with this festival out of which the story ofRani Karnavati and emperor Humayun is quite popular. When Rani Karnawati, the widowed queen of the king of Chittor, realised that she could not defend her kingdom from the sultan of Gujarat’s invasion, she sent arakhi to emperor Humayun and  in return, he at once sent his troops for her help. Another mythological reference is connected with lord Krishna and Draupadi. According to the legend, Krishna loved Draupadi so much that he called her sakhi. Draupadi too had a lot of faith on Krishna. During the great battle of Mahabharata, lord Krishna threw a celestial weapon at Shishupala, in order to punish him for numerous sins. However during the act of hurling the Sudharshan Chakra from his index finger, he hurt himself. On seeing blood drops, Draupadi immediately rushed to protect her lord and she tore off a piece from her sari and wrapped it around his finger, stopping the bleeding.

Krishna was touched by her gesture of devotion and pure love and he asked her what would she like in return of this favor. Draupadi, like a true sister, just asked for the lord’s holy presence in her life forever. From that moment onwards, Krishna has been with Draupadi like a shadow protecting her from every small and big trouble. When the Kauravas tried to dishonour Draupadi through cheer haran (removing her sari), she prayed to Krishna continuously and the lord took care of her honour and punished the sinners.

With the passage of time, this festival has acquired different expressions and connotations. In present times, there has been a major change observed in our attitude and approach towards this festival, as a result of which mutual feelings of love, affection and most importantly piousness have completely disappeared.

Because of this the current generations are asking questions like – how can one protect somebody just by tying a smooth cotton thread on his wrist which is easily breakable IJ Do such rituals or practices seem practical in today’s modern worldIJ  Those who are posing these questions must first of all understand that rakhi is not merely a cotton thread but a sacred obligation to protect modesty and also explains the importance of restraint in life. While tyingrakhi on her brother’s hand, a sister does not just seek protection for herself only, she keeps a much higher spirit of seeking protection for the entire female community. Along with this, she also prays to the lord in her heart that her beloved brother becomes liberated from vices of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego and attains true peace and happiness in life. Thus, it is important  to realise that tyingrakhi is just a symbolic gesture. What’s important in this ritual are feelings of good wishes and prayers that come out from a sister’s heart and which further act like a shield of protection for her brother. However, one wonders that are only females in need of protectionIJ Wouldn’t God, our Beloved Supreme Parent, Teacher be a more effective and a loyal ProtectorIJ We often forget our true identity of being an infinitesimal point of the divine energy, that is a soul. We get entangled in the web or bondage of five vices (lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego) which overpowers us and influences us to perform negative actions, which in turn cause sorrow and misery.

So, when the Almighty applies the tilak of soul-consciousness on our forehead, we become elevated and divine and start seeing each other as souls and not as bodies. This unlimited vision of brotherhood breaks all barriers of caste, creed, gender, religion and superstitions, thereby purifying our consciousness and making our actions positive to receive HIS blessings and good wishes and stay under the canopy of his protection for eternity. So, let’s bind ourselves in this spiritual bond that would liberate us from all bondages and help us regain our lost sovereignty.

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