love makes our life beautiful

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love makes our life beautiful

Sunday, 06 November 2016 | Bharat Bhushan Padmadeo

love makes our life beautiful

love is the basis of life. And all about love is ‘giving’, not ‘demanding’, which knows no bounds. It calls for being in harmony with all, overriding all existential disparities. Should one realise this, life will turn into a beautiful experience. For, each being supporting every other, there will be no scope for grudge, hatred, or conflict.

If you look at the run of nature’s creation chain, it will come out that it is driven by force of love. Going by Vedic perception, differentiated energy streams got excited following spontaneous pulsation at the primordial-source, supposedly in equilibrated and motionless state originally. Random mutation of those energy streams followed immediately thereafter, which set into motion a creation chain. And that progressively evolved into the manifest plural world with all its enormity and diversity. Even modern scientific perception runs almost on similar lines, when it says that there was entropy once whence the energy streams released, set into motion the world process. 

Now, again going by scientific perception, the evolution process did not follow a smooth linear track. It is rather characterised by ongoing process of integration and disintegration. But mind it; even disintegration has been purposefully a necessary part of the evolution process. For, it does not mean annihilation of energy, as would laws of conservation of energy imply. It rather leads to remobilisation of energy constituents for the sake of recreation with a richer form.

To sum up, both integration and disintegration as co-runners carry forward the creation chain which marches ahead involuntarily in a ‘giving mode’. It strictly follows nature’s self-evolved design parameters, with no scope for any aberration. For, it lacks the sense of perception or discrimination. The course of evolution runs as such till human beings came on stage. leave aside the front players of nature. Even the plants and other live species conduct in a similar fashion. A tree keeps bearing fruits, absorbs toxic gases and in turn keeps releasing fresh oxygen, all to sustain our life. A termite, before it meets its end, creates a hole deep inside the soil structure, which facilitates entry of oxygen to augment soil’s fertility. In fact, all existences are there to serve a definite purpose in support of the life mechanism      

Evidently, the imprint of disorder and harmony both find presence in human construct, as the cause has to find reflection in the effect. But it comes with a difference. For, human beings enjoy perceptive as well as discriminating abilities, and the ‘power of freewill’ whereby they can guide their actions by choice. This indwelling sense of freedom enjoins upon a human being the ability to chart out and follow a self-designated path. Consequently, the sense of disorder or love, or for that matter whether one conducts in a demanding or giving mode, which would play heavy in mind, becomes individual prerogative. 

Here comes into reckoning two factors driving a being. First, human actions are ordinarily driven by indwelling sense of desire, which often makes one self-centric, tempting one move into demanding mode. Second, every individual being is born unique, each carrying varying mind-trends, which ordinarily influences how one’s desire trends would move. For above reasons, often one carries mistaken perception about the callings of love, which induces a being conduct relationship in a demanding mode, often not caring for other’s sensibilities. And if per chance ego runs high, it could lead to disastrous consequences. Of late, this trend has been growing out of proportion, which is why intolerance and impatience has been on the rise, and with obvious consequences.

Here is the case of lady who, in her egotistical hang has failed to understand what love really means. Consequently, she not only became victim of a turbulent marriage, has rather failed to love her own self. Otherwise she would not have carried mistaken perception that she did not look beautiful. 

look at her astrological pointers. The Sun crossing path with Jupiter speaks of swaggering ego, stuck to her own self-defined peculiar beliefs. All the more because Jupiter is ill-disposed off to mischievous Neptune as well. The Sun placed adverse to both Venus and Neptune in the first place speaks of being stuck to self-delusions, distanced from ground realities. Second, she would be habitual escapist when faced with adverse circumstances. Third, she would be an emotional fool, who may get over exercised even on trivial issues, which she may stretch on beyond due.  On top of that debilitated Moon sandwiched between fiery Mars and headless Ketu speaks of her weird mindset. The result is there to see.

 The writer is an astrologer, vastu consultant and spiritual counsellor. Write to him at G-5, Basement, Jungpura Extension, New Delhi 14

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