A connection with God

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A connection with God

Sunday, 18 September 2016 | Alka Gupta

A connection with God

It is through nature that God communicates with human beings, writes Alka Gupta

The complexity of our universe points to a deliberate designer who not only created our universe, but also sustains it today. By taking a look at the world around us, we can see that it was designed and created by a supreme being.

Fish have the natural ability to swim and birds fly for miles every day in search of food and come back to their offspring and nests from faraway places with clocklike precision. God’s words can be revealed through nature.

The message of God has come to mankind through the golden word of the great and famous prophets and incarnations. Through her divine vani, Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi taught the importance of atma sakshatkar or self-realisation, and how it is attained by Sahaja Yoga to establish a connection with God.

Inner awakening is the goal of all religions and spiritual traditions of the world; it can be called by many names: Second birth, self-realisation, enlightenment, or moksha. This knowledge is ancient, attained by gurus and their disciples in the past through arduous efforts of purification and prolonged meditation. For the first time in the history of human spirituality, through Sahaja (spontaneous) Yoga (union with one’s self), this experience has become available to everyone.

There is an energy known as kundalini that resides in the

triangular sacrum bone of all humans. The sacrum is derived from latin and Greek which translates to ‘sacred’ and is the power source or root and the foundation of Sahaja Yoga. 

In an average person, the kundalini, a spiritual energy, lies dormant, coiled at the base of spine. On awakening, it emerges from the sacrum bone, through the central channel (Sushumna Nadi) right till the top of the head. While it does so, the kundalini awakens, nourishes and enlightens each of the seven chakras along the way. When it passes through the Agnya Chakra in the head, the seeker experiences the peace and silence of thoughtless awareness. This is the first stage of true meditation.

Upon entering this state of Nirvicharita, all areas of our life are transformed: Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Passing through the Saharsrara Chakra — thousand petalled lotus in the limbic area — the kundalini pierces the fontanelle bone (talu) at the top of the head and unites us with Param Chaitanya, the all-pervading power of God’s love. This is felt as the cool breeze on top of the head and palms, and opens the Third Eye.

This energy has divine healing power that fill the devotee with joy, bliss and ecstasy. You will find yourself more energetic with a heightened sense of serenity, nourished with pure divine energy. You become integrated and balanced, and benefits become visible in the form of good health.

Healing your Chakras

Inside us is a subtle system of three channels and seven chakras. These energy centres control all aspects of our lives; the instinctive biological functions in the lower chakras; the heart and mind in the upper centres, to the highest spiritual states in the Sahasrara and above.

The three channels are:

·         Ida Nadi or left channel: A healthy left side would mean we are emotionally balanced. If we are inclined more to the left, we become lethargic and prone to self-pity and domination by others. Earth and fire elements can be used to correct this.

·         Pingala Nai or right channel: A good right side gives you creativity, drive and an ability to get things done. If we go too much to the right, we become dry, critical and dominating. The water element cools and soothes this.

·         Sushumna Nadi or central channel: When we are in the central channel, we are in balance and able to ascend. To strengthen the central channel, regular meditation is imperative, and we become peaceful and serene.

Right path to Awakening

The kundalini rises in the presence of an awakening person. Find a quiet place and keep your guru’s photograph on a clean surface. Sit comfortably with your palm upwards placed on your lap and close your eyes. To start the meditation, clear your left and then the right Channel as they can become overactive and disturb us with unwanted thoughts and images of our daily lives.

The Affirmations

The following technique will affirm certain fundamental truths and establish a divine connection with the universal truth. This activates our purest desires and clears the path for the kundalini.

Sit comfortably and place the right hand on the chakras on the left side of the body and ask the following affirmations inside the heart:

“Shri Mataji, am I the spiritIJ Am I my own masterIJ Please give me pure knowledge. I am my own master. I am the spirit. I am not guilty. I forgive everybody. If I have made any mistake, please forgive me. Please give me my self-realisation. Is this the all-pervading power of God’s loveIJ”

A wave of bliss and a powerful breeze can be felt, which indicates the awakening of the kundalini.

To lead healthier lives, we need to practice growth self-awareness and realisation through Sahaja Yoga. Just like an antenna captures and decodes the wavelength and transmits information to our

televisions, Kundalini Jagran activates the brain so that it can receive information from the cosmos or Brahmavartra. Through Sahaja Yoga and the holy words of Shri Mataji, you can receive this divine knowledge, which will lead you to the doors of the kingdom of God.


The writer is a follower of Sahaja Yoga and the founder of BAFEl Academy

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