Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Thursday said our goal is to enhance farmers' income and make them economically prosperous and the double engine government is working towards it. He said that the upcoming budget must include provisions aimed at increasing farmers' profits to empower them economically.
Saini was addressing a pre-budget consultation meeting at Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University in Hisar. On the occasion, suggestions were sought from progressive farmers regarding their upliftment. Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Shyam Singh Rana, Public Health Engineering Minister Ranbir Gangwa, MLA Vinod Bhyana and Randhir Panihar were also present.
During the discussion, Saini engaged in one-on-one interactions with the farmers. In the first session, over 52 suggestions were shared by the farmers. Along with progressive farmers, agricultural experts also participated in the session. In the second session, discussions were held with farmers associated with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), and members of the FPO federation also contributed their suggestions.
The Chief Minister said that the suggestions shared during today's discussions will be incorporated into the upcoming budget. The state government is particularly focused on the welfare of farmers, with special attention being given to increasing their income and strengthening their position. He said that agriculture contributes 18 percent to Haryana's GDP and expressed the government's intention to implement measures that would ensure small landholding farmers can earn a good income. For this, initiatives like e-mandi and other options are being developed.
Saini remarked that, in the past, transporting produce to the market was a significant challenge. However, the country's road and rail connectivity network has been significantly strengthened, making it easier to transport crops across regions. He highlighted the progress made by the country over the last 10 years, particularly under the Prime Minister’s leadership. Today, the government is introducing new initiatives to benefit farmers, including the promotion of organic farming.
He urged farmers to adopt crop diversification, encouraging them to move away from traditional farming practices and said that diversification could significantly increase farmers' income. He also encouraged farmers to focus on the production of coarse grains. During his address, he highlighted the success of strawberry farming in village Syadhwa, Hisar, praising the hard work of local farmers in cultivating strawberries. He also mentioned the cultivation of Kinnow in Sirsa and stressed that farmers must explore innovative approaches beyond traditional farming to improve their income and achieve sustainable growth.
Saini said that the state government has launched a portal for receiving suggestions related to the General Budget of Haryana for the year 2025-26. Through this portal, common citizens, progressive farmers, and representatives associated with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) can submit their suggestions. These suggestions would be taken into account and incorporated into the budget, the Chief Minister assured.
‘This year’s Budget will focus on the welfare of every Section’
Addressing the function after inaugurating Part-II of the Agri-Tourism Center at CCSHAU in Hisar, the Chief Minister said that this year's budget will be prepared with the interests of all sections of society in mind. To ensure its inclusivity, suggestions are being gathered from diverse groups. During the event, he also launched a coffee-table book titled "Poshan Utsav", which was prepared by the Deen Dayal Shodh Sansthan.
Saini emphasized that the Agri-Tourism Center, built at a cost of Rs. 5.60 crore, would serve as a valuable platform to educate the public about farming practices. He highlighted its potential in helping the people of Haryana by sharing the traditional farming methods used by previous generations. In line with the government's current priorities, the Chief Minister stressed the importance of improving dietary habits to combat malnutrition, particularly among children and women.
Later, while interacting with the media persons, the Chief Minister said that BJP takes every election seriously. Regarding the Delhi elections, he expressed confidence that the results would favor the BJP and that under the leadership of PM Modi, the party would form the government in Delhi. He criticized Arvind Kejriwal for making unfulfilled promises to the people of Delhi over the past decade.
In response to another question about local body elections in Haryana, the Chief Minister said that the party is fully prepared. He added that the party would decide whether to contest the elections with or without a symbol.