Holi Milan ceremony was organized in the District Information and Public Relations Office under the aegis of District Public Relations Department and District Journalist Association. In which journalists from across the district attended. All the people congratulated each other by applying Abir-Gulal. Earlier, journalists were addressed by District Public Relations Officer Shivanandan Badike. He said that the festival of Holi gives us the message of social harmony and love. We have to move the society forward together. Journalists work to show direction to the government. Journalism is a task in which fairness is most important. All journalists are impartially moving on the path of journalism. Cooperation of journalists is also necessary in making the district administration and government schemes effective. He congratulated everyone on Holi. The event was also addressed by senior journalist Quaiyum Khan, Satyakam, Laukesh Kesari, Vinod Prasad, District President Satish Shahdev, Executive President Sumit Ghosh, General Secretary Vikram Chauhan etc. All the people congratulated each other on Holi. Also said to work together. The most important thing is that the journalists who keep Rosa were also given Rang Abir Gulal to offer a packet of Iftar to open Rosa. Journalists from Bhandra, Kudu, Senha, Kisko, Kairo etc. attended the occasion.