Deputy Commissioner Vijaya Jadhav chaired a crucial District Health Committee meeting at the Collectorate on Wednesday, where she reviewed the performance of key health initiatives across the district. The discussion focused on critical areas such as ANC registration for pregnant women, distribution of essential medicines, postpartum care, and the implementation of the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK). Subpar performance in blocks like Nawadih, Kasmar, and Gomia was flagged, prompting the Deputy Commissioner to demand clarifications from the responsible officials. In a stern move, she ordered the suspension of their salaries until further notice.
The Deputy Commissioner stressed the need for enhanced accountability, instructing MOICs to reside at their block headquarters and actively monitor government health programs. She emphasized timely ANC checkups, regular use of ANC kits during Village Health, Sanitation, and Nutrition Days (VHSND), and meeting the operational standards set for Ayushman Bharat health centers. Further, the free ultrasound services for pregnant women under a private clinic partnership were to be widely publicized, with daily reports submitted on its implementation.
Expressing dissatisfaction with the progress in family planning initiatives, the Deputy Commissioner directed officials to intensify efforts in achieving targets. She also mandated coordination with Block Development Officers (BDOs) to ensure proper provision of meals and transport expenses for mothers under the JSSK scheme. Additionally, she instructed the organization of special health camps in blocks like Kasmar, Nawadih, and Gomia to address service gaps and improve the outreach of government health schemes.
The meeting concluded with a strong call for immediate reforms and improved interdepartmental collaboration. The Deputy Commissioner urged all officials to focus on achieving targets and improving service delivery to ensure the district’s health programs meet the government’s standards and serve the community effectively.