Ravindra Yati, the newly elected Bhopal District President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), assumed office on Tuesday amidst a grand welcome at the BJP State Office. Party leaders, workers, and dignitaries marked the occasion with enthusiasm.
On his arrival, Yati paid floral tributes to the statues of great leaders in the presence of BJP State In-Charge Dr. Mahendra Singh and State Organization General Secretary Hitanand. They felicitated him with sweets and extended their best wishes.
Mahendra Singh congratulated Yati and highlighted his significant role in strengthening the BJP organization in Bhopal. "I am confident that Ravindra Yati will lead the party to greater heights," he added.
State Organization General Secretary Hitanand expressed similar sentiments, stating, "Yati will work collectively with everyone to propel the party forward."
Speaking at the event, Ravindra Yati thanked senior party leaders for their trust. "I am committed to working diligently and living up to the expectations of the organization," he said. Outgoing Bhopal District President Sumit Pachouri handed over the charge and expressed hope that Yati would carry forward the initiatives undertaken during his tenure.
The oath-taking ceremony was held at BJP's district office, Atal Bhavan, in the presence of senior leaders, including State General Secretary and MLA Bhagwandas Sabnani, Mayor Malti Rai, and District Organization In-Charge Mahendra Singh Yadav.
The event began with a traditional worship ceremony followed by garlanding the statue of BR Ambedkar at Bhawani Chowk.
A large number of BJP workers and officials, including district media in-charge Rajendra Gupta and other prominent leaders, welcomed Yati with shawls, fruits, and floral bouquets. Women leaders and office bearers also actively participated in the celebrations.
The event concluded with Yati reaffirming his commitment to strengthening the BJP in Bhopal with the support and cooperation of all party members.