In order to curb cyber crimes, to bring awareness among people about it, in the context of Safe Click campaign being run by Madhya Pradesh Police from 1st to 11th February, Indore Police Commissionerate has also organized various awareness programs under the said campaign continuously for the last eleven days. On the occasion of the conclusion of the said campaign, Indore Police organized a cyber security and internet fair today on 11th February 25.
The said cyber fair organized in Gandhi Hall Indore was inaugurated under the chief hospitality of Police Commissioner Urban Indore Shri Santosh Kumar Singh. On this occasion, Additional Commissioner of Police (Office/Administration) Indore Shri Amit Singh and Additional Commissioner of Police (Admn./Headquarters) Indore Shri Manoj Kumar Shrivastava and DCPs of all zones, DCP Crime and Traffic, other officers/employees and sponsors of the said fair, members of various organizations and dignitaries including a large number of school/college students and common citizens were present.
On this occasion, a video song made by a team of 26 people with the help of Additional DCP Crime Shri Rajesh Dandotia and various cyber volunteers and organizations was also launched to create public awareness about cyber crimes, in which precautions to be taken to avoid various cyber frauds have been shown, so that people can be aware of these crimes. In this unique fair, various companies and institutions also set up their stalls to increase awareness about cyber crimes, which were visited by the Police Commissioner Indore along with senior officials.