The JEE Mains 2025 session 1 scorecard will be available through website according to the NTA result announcement.
The Joint Entrance Examination Main session 1 result will be published on February 12 at by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The examination agency presented this data through its official information bulletin. Candidates should check for their scorecards at after they are released.
Starting from February 6 NTA disabled the option for candidates to submit objections against the JEE Main session 1 provisional answer key.
The organization provided both candidates' responses along with the provisional key during the same period. Each objection to the answer key required candidates to pay ₹200 for a non-refundable fee per question.
According to NTA the subject experts will examine the candidate objections to verify validity before a final revision of the answer key is released.
The JEE Main session 1 result will be developed through analysis of the final answer key.
The process of verifying JEE Main session 1 results after their announcement includes visiting the website:
Go to
Download the session 1 scorecard through the available link.
Enter the requested details to complete log in.
Check and download your result.
JEE Main session 1 paper 1 (BE/BTech) took place on the dates of January 22, 23, 24, 28, and 29. The JEE Main paper 1 assessment occurred during two testing sessions from 9 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm.
Paper 2 of JEE Main (BArch/BPlanning conducted its examination in the 3 pm to 6:30 pm timeslot during the last day on January 30.