Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU) has made available the results of multiple undergraduate (UG) and graduate (PG) programs for their odd semester exams. Students of BA BSc BCom MA MSc MCom can access their mark sheets through the website during this academic year.
The online result viewing process requires candidates to enter their roll number along with birthday information followed by examination type and other requested fields. The examination period started in December 2024 before moving to January 2025.
CSJMU Results 2025: How to check semester exam scorecard?
Step 1 – Students can download their results by going to the official CSJMU website ( and routing to the ‘Students’ tab.
Step 2 – Under this tab, they need to press ‘Results’ and then choose the semester examination results link.
Step 3 – The results can be available by fill in their roll number and other required details.
Step 4 – Download and take a print out for further use.
CSJMU Results 2025: Details mentioned
Marksheets contain essential information such as candidate name along with roll number and student details, their program and training stage information, particular subject grades and percentage results. Both the marks and all listed information on scorecards need thorough verification before getting students to report grading errors promptly.
CSJMU Results 2025: Re-evaluation process, supplementary exam
Students have the right to request a review or scrutiny within a 15-day period beginning from the result declaration. The educational institution CSJMU permits students who failed particular subjects to take supplementary exams. Students who wish to recover their backlog can receive necessary support which lets them move forward without the need to extend their studies.
The institution CSJMU Kanpur University operates under the names of CSJMU or CSJM University. The public educational institution named Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU or CSJM University or Kanpur University) previously operated under the name Kanpur University from its foundation in Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. In 1966, Kanpur University was founded. The NAAC has given CSJMU a B grade and it maintains UGC status.
CSJMU offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses across science, arts, commerce and management studies and engineering and legal studies to its students. The entrance exam and academic merit levels determine student enrollment at Kanpur University.
CSJM University permits students to enter through entrance exams that include JEE Main, NEET, JEECUP and GATE. The 2023 placement session granted MBA students INR 3.20 LPA median package while BTech students received INR 4.09 LPA median package.