A revolutionary invention has been made by a woman scientist at the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, the details of which were revealed in an international symposium held at the instituteon Monday.
Roshni, a lantern designed and developed by Dr Purnima Jalihal, head of the energy and fresh water department of the institute light up thousands of homes across the country in months to come. The uniqueness of this lamp is that it does not require conventional fuels like electricity, fossil fuels, or nuclear power. “It works on the energy generated by sea water. These lamps are being used in Andaman-Nicobar islands as well as in Lakshadweep,” said Dr VK Saraswat, distinguished missile
scientist and member of NITI Aayog who inaugurated the International Symposium on Advancements in Marine
Renewable Energy.
The technology of the lantern developed by Dr Jalihal has been transferred to the industry for mass manufacture. “These lamps use sea water and two electrodes for generating the power to light up homes. The lantern is of multi-purpose in nature. While students could use this for studying, the fishing boats going out to the high seas can make use of them for navigation purpose,” Dr Jalihal told The Pioneer.
She said the lanterns could be used not only along the coast line but even in hinterland India. “We can use even ordinary salt water in areas where no sea water is available. The electrodes need be replaced only after 500 hours of use. In a country like ours where we face frequent power outages, this lanterns would be of great help,” she said.
Speaking about the cost of each lamp, she said though the price factors are yet to be worked out, as on date it would not cost more than `2000. “But the manufacturers have told us that once they start large scale production, the lanterns could be sold at much lower prices,” she said.
According to Dr Jalihal, this is the first of its kind innovation reported from anywhere in the world. The lantern Roshni was developed in a span of just three months. “Purnima has brought Roshni to India”, were the catchwords of the two day symposium.