Woman nabbed for honey-trapping 32 people

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Woman nabbed for honey-trapping 32 people

Sunday, 09 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

Habibganj police have arrested a woman accused of Honey trapping over 32 victims; action was taken after Additional Collector lodged a complaint of extortion of Rs 2 crore in the name of fabricating in rape case by the accused woman.

The Additional collector  Jeevan Rajak was OSD with a former minister and is posted as Adiitonal Secrteary with PHE.

He was targeted by the accused woman after she came to meet on July 13,2023.

In his complaint he stated that the woman is Rewa based and introduced herself as Media representative. After this he used to visit the victim's office frequently. Later when Rajak refused to do her work she started threatening him of fabricating in a false rape  case.

The victim was threatening for the past 10 months and reached Rajak's Shivaji Nagar house where she threatened to make his edited video viral if he fails to provide Rs 2 crore.

During the investigation it was found that the woman has been booked for several such cases in the past.

The woman has trapped several big shots. According to the investigation, whenever she meets an officer or influential person she would introduce herself as a social worker and later she would trap by threatening of fabricting in false cases.

The woman is a resident of Govindgarh Rewa. This is not the first time that the woman has tried to trap big shot, she had earlier tried to trap former MP Assembly Speaker Girish Gautam.  

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