Understanding Uric Acid: Causes, Effects, and Management By Homeopath

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Understanding Uric Acid: Causes, Effects, and Management By Homeopath

Tuesday, 30 July 2024 | DR RAJEEV KUMAR

Understanding Uric Acid: Causes, Effects, and Management By Homeopath

Uric acid is a waste product formed from the breakdown of purines, which are substances found in certain foods and drinks. High levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to various health issues, including gout and kidney stones.


• Diet: High intake of purine-rich foods (red meat, seafood) and alcohol.

• Genetics: Family history of high uric acid or gout.

• Obesity: Excess body weight increases uric acid levels.

• Medical Conditions: Conditions like diabetes and hypertension.

• Medications: Diuretics and other medications can elevate uric acid levels.


• Joint pain and swelling, especially in the big toe (gout)

• Kidney stones

• Frequent urination

• Difficulty moving joints

• Redness and warmth in affected joints

Yoga for Uric Acid Management:

• Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist): Improves kidney function.

• Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend): Helps detoxify the body.

• Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Enhances overall blood circulation.

Health and Hygiene:

• Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help flush out uric acid.

• Regular Exercise: Maintain a routine of moderate physical activity.

• Hygiene: Regularly wash hands and maintain personal cleanliness to prevent infections that could exacerbate symptoms.


• Avoid High-Purine Foods: Limit intake of red meat, organ meats, and certain seafood.

• Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Especially avoid beer and spirits.

• Stay Hydrated: Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.

Homeopathic Medicine:

• Colchicum: Effective for acute gout attacks with severe pain.

• Lycopodium: Useful for uric acid and digestive issues.

• Urtica Urens: Helps in reducing uric acid levels and alleviating joint pain.

Diagnostic Tests:

• USG (Ultrasound): Detects kidney stones and joint inflammation.

• Blood Test: Measures uric acid levels in the blood.

Hormonal Imbalance and Changes

• Insulin Resistance: Can lead to higher uric acid levels.

• Thyroid Disorders: Affect metabolism and uric acid excretion.

Age-Related Issues:

• Increased Risk: Older adults are more prone to high uric acid and gout due to slower metabolism.

• Joint Wear and Tear: Age-related joint issues can be aggravated by high uric acid levels.

Life Challenges:

• Managing Chronic Pain: Dealing with recurrent gout attacks and joint pain.

• Lifestyle Adjustments: Adapting diet and habits to manage uric acid levels effectively.

Healthy Lifestyle:

• Balanced Diet: Focus on low-purine foods like vegetables, whole grains, and dairy.

• Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight and reduce uric acid levels.

• Avoid Smoking: Smoking can worsen symptoms and overall health.

Healthy Diet:

• Low-Purine Foods: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy.

• Avoid Sugary Foods: Limit intake of sugary drinks and foods.

• Hydration: Drink water regularly to help excrete uric acid.

Avoiding Unhealthy Foods:

• Processed Foods: Minimize consumption of processed and junk foods.

• High-Purine Foods: Avoid foods high in purines, such as organ meats and certain fish.

• Excessive Salt: Reduce salt intake to prevent kidney stress.

Avoiding Drugs and Medicines:

• Prescription Medications: Use only as prescribed by a doctor.

• Over-the-Counter Medications: Avoid excessive use of painkillers and diuretics without medical advice.

• Recreational Drugs: Avoid recreational drugs that can affect uric acid levels.

Mental Management:

• Stress Reduction: Practice stress-relief techniques like meditation and deep breathing.

• Mental Health: Seek support for mental health issues, which can be affected by chronic pain and lifestyle changes.

Daily Routine:

• Consistent Schedule: Maintain regular eating, sleeping, and exercise routines.

• Meal Planning: Plan meals to include low-purine, nutritious foods.

• Physical Activity: Incorporate regular physical activity into daily life.


Managing uric acid levels involves a comprehensive approach that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, hydration, stress management, and avoiding high-purine foods. Early detection and proactive lifestyle changes can significantly improve health and quality of life.

Dr.RAJEEV KUMAR is MD., BHMS. He can be contacted on +91 9263049994, Web : www.rajeevclinic.com.

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