Rotary Jamshedpur West launches campaign for Gender Equality

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Rotary Jamshedpur West launches campaign for Gender Equality

Monday, 01 April 2024 | PNS | Jamshedpur

In response to the landmark Supreme Court ruling recognizing transgender people as the "third gender" and acknowledging the discrimination they face in healthcare, Rotary Jamshedpur West, in collaboration with Queer Circle of Jamshedpur, organized a comprehensive campaign for gender equality. The initiative aimed to address the healthcare needs of transgender individuals and other marginalized sections of society.


Medical Camp at Burmamines Jamshedpur:

The campaign kicked off with a mega medical camp held at Burmamines Jamshedpur, which served as a platform for providing essential medical services to the community. Led by the Rotary Club of Jamshedpur West, the camp saw the participation of over 300 individuals, including 112 transgender individuals, along with members from economically weaker sections of society.


Specialized Medical Care:

A team of expert doctors and medical staff from Meharbhai Tata Memorial Hospital and Tata Medical Hospital conducted medical examinations and provided specialized care to the attendees. Various health concerns such as sugar levels, blood pressure, oral cancer, dental diseases, psychiatric conditions, and other vital health parameters were meticulously examined and addressed during the camp.


Eye Examinations and Cataract Surgeries:

In collaboration with Purnima Nethralaya, the camp also facilitated eye examinations for all attendees. Several patients were diagnosed with cataracts, and arrangements were made for cataract surgeries to be performed at Purnima Nethralaya. This initiative highlighted the importance of comprehensive healthcare services and access to specialized treatments for all individuals, irrespective of their gender identity or socio-economic status.


Free Surgeries for Children with Heart Conditions:

Rotary Club of Jamshedpur West, in partnership with Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, extended its support to children aged six months to eighteen years who were diagnosed with heart conditions. Free surgeries were provided to address congenital heart defects, further emphasizing Rotary's commitment to serving the community and improving healthcare access for vulnerable populations.


Demonstrating Rotary's Commitment:

The success of the campaign was made possible through the dedication and contributions of various individuals and organizations. Members of Rotary Club of Jamshedpur West, including President Neeta Agarwal, Secretary Ashok Jha, and other esteemed members, actively participated in the initiative, showcasing Rotary's unwavering commitment to societal welfare.

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