Rahul Gandhi vows farm loan waivers, legal guarantee on MSP

| | Ludhiana/Patiala
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Rahul Gandhi vows farm loan waivers, legal guarantee on MSP

Thursday, 30 May 2024 | PNS | Ludhiana/Patiala


Amidst the ongoing protests by the farmers demanding legal guarantee on MSP, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday promised to waive farm loans “not once or twice but whenever farmers required”, besides promising to legally guarantee Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops.
In high-octane rallies during the last leg of the campaigning for the seventh and the final phase of voting, Rahul Gandhi addressed packed rallies at Ludhiana and Patiala, connecting with the constituents to drum up support for the Congress party candidate for upcoming Lok Sabha elections. His journey started with a massive rally at Dana Mandi in Dakha, Ludhiana, followed by a visit to Patiala, where he made powerful promises and sharp criticisms aimed squarely at the BJP and its policies.
At the heart of Rahul Gandhi's message was a robust pledge to the farmers of Punjab: perpetual farm loan waivers. “As soon as the INDI alliance government is formed, we will waive the loans of farmers, just like they (referring to BJP) have waived the loans of millionaires,” Rahul Gandhi declared to a cheering crowd in Ludhiana. He outlined plans for the creation of a ‘Kisaan Karza Maafi Aayog’ — a commission dedicated to ensuring continuous loan relief for farmers. “We will not just waive farmer loans once; we will do it whenever the farmer needs it,” he vowed, signaling a long-term commitment to agricultural welfare.
Furthermore, Rahul Gandhi promised to legally guarantee Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops, a long-standing demand of farmers from Punjab and Haryana. “Farmers are the backbone of our nation, and it’s time we give them the security they deserve,” he said, addressing the need for sustained financial stability in the farming community.
Mincing no words in his critique of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, Rahul Gandhi accusing it of serving the wealthy elite at the expense of ordinary citizens. “Modi has put money into the pockets of billionaires, who then spent it in London, Dubai, and other foreign locales. We will instead put money directly into the accounts of farmers, women, and the elderly,” he promised, highlighting a vision of inclusive economic growth.
He lambasted the economic policies of demonetization and GST, arguing that they have crippled the economy. “Demonetization and GST have put our economy to sleep. We will wake it up and create opportunities for employment by reopening companies that have shut down,” he asserted, promising economic revival and job creation.
The Agniveer scheme, aimed at recruiting young soldiers on a short-term basis, was another focal point of RaGa’s critique. “Modi has divided the army into two. Our government will scrap the Agniveer scheme and ensure pensions for all,” he declared, pledging to restore respect and stability to military careers. “We will fill 30 lakh government jobs and hand them over to the people,” he added.
Rahul Gandhi emphasized the ideological battle between the INDIA alliance and the BJP, portraying it as a fight to protect the Indian Constitution. “This is a battle to save our Constitution. The INDIA alliance is dedicated to this cause, while the BJP and NDA are trying to destroy it,” he said. He praised India’s rich diversity, stating, “Our Constitution protects the myriad languages and cultures of India. BJP wants one leader, one language, but we must defend our constitutional values.”
Gandhi also tackled the pressing issue of drug addiction in Punjab, condemning the AAP Government for its inadequate response. “The cases of drugs are increasing in Punjab. Strict action should be taken against this menace. Punjab must fight against drugs with all its might,” he urged, reflecting concerns about the deteriorating law and order situation under the current administration.
Concluding his address, Gandhi outlined a vision for economic revival that includes putting money back into the hands of the common people. “Modi put money into the pockets of billionaires, but we will put it into the accounts of farmers, women, and the elderly. This will boost the market and reopen companies closed by GST, creating jobs and speeding up our economy,” he asserted.
RaGa paid tribute to Moosewala at Ludhiana rally

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday paid floral tributes to singer-rapper Sidhu Moosewala on his second death anniversary and met his father Balkaur Singh in Ludhiana during a campaign rally. Sidhu Moosewala’s large picture was also placed prominently at the rally stage.
Later, Gandhi met Balkaur Singh separately and shared a video of his meeting on Instagram with the late singer’s popular song 295. The two talked about the leadership that Punjab needs as the video played shots of Sidhu Moosewala’s father walking along with him during the first leg of the Congress leader’s Bharat Jodo Yatra.
Rahul Gandhi captioned the video, describing Sidhu “a promising artist, passionate young leader and a kind-hearted person”. “The world will remember Sidhu Moosewala something like this. Emotional tribute,” he wrote. Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, popularly known as Sidhu Moosewala, was shot dead in Punjab’s Mansa district on May 29, 2022.


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