Man booked for sexually asalting divorced woman

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Man booked for sexually asalting divorced woman

Sunday, 23 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

Chola Mandir police have booked a man for sexually assaulting a divorced woman. The accused develop relationship in the name of help.

After this, he made relations with the woman by promising marriage. Recently, when the woman started pressurizing him for marriage, the young man refused to marry her.

The woman reached Chola Mandir police station on Friday night and complained about the matter. The police have started investigation after registering a rape case.

According to information received from the police, the 32-year-old woman lives in Chola Mandir police station area. About five years ago, she was having a tiff with her husband. Her husband used to beat her. After this, she divorced her husband and started living alone. During this time, she came in contact with a young man named Mahendra Chaurasia, who lives in the same area. When the two started talking, the woman also started sharing her family's personal matters with Mahendra.

The accused had instigated her for divorce

When she told Mahendra about her tiff with her husband, the young man assured her of help. After this, he helped and grew closer to her. The young man started convincing the woman that you should divorce your husband, I will marry you. Believing the words of the young man, the woman divorced her husband. After this, the young man started raping the woman and sexually exploiting her.

He took the woman to Indore. He continued to have physical relations with her even while living together here. Recently, the woman and the young man came back to Bhopal. Here, when the woman pressured the young man to marry her, he first avoided it and later refused to marry her. The woman reached Chola Mandir police station on Friday and complained about the matter. The police have registered a case of rape and started investigation.

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