Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Friday said that with the assistance of Work Bank, Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre will be set up in the State.
After meeting with the representatives of the World Bank, Saini said that the present State Government in its manifesto has announced to establish Haryana as a global education hub through which the youth would be imparted training in Artificial Intelligence and modern skills. This initiative of Global AI Center is set to position Haryana as a hub for artificial intelligence research and innovation. This collaboration is expected to boost the state’s technological capabilities and contribute to the growth of the digital economy in the region, he added.
In addition to the AI Centre, the Chief Minister also expressed keen interest for collaboration with the World Bank on the ambitious Interlinking of Rivers project. The World Bank also expressed keen interest in cooperation in this direction. The interlinking of rivers is expected to significantly improve irrigation facilities across the state and help implement the Amrit Sarover Scheme, which aims to rejuvenate water bodies and enhance water storage capacity particularly in rural areas. This collaboration will ensure better water management, improve agricultural productivity, and contribute to the long-term sustainability of Haryana’s water resources. He said that a team from the state of Haryana will soon visit Gujarat to study the interlinking of rivers in Gujarat.
During the meeting, the Haryana Clean Air Project was also discussed. This initiative is aimed at enhancing sustainable development in the state and improving air quality. With a total project investment of Rs. 3647 crore, the World Bank has committed to providing a loan of Rs. 2498 crore to support the implementation of the project. The Haryana state government will contribute Rs. 1066 crore, and an additional Rs. 83 crore has been allocated as a grant. This funding will be directed towards initiatives such as air pollution control measures, sustainable urban development, and the promotion of cleaner technologies.
Saini expressed his gratitude to the World Bank for its continued support, emphasizing the importance of these projects for the state's growth and sustainability. “These initiatives will not only improve the quality of life for our citizens but will also set Haryana on a path to becoming a leader in technology, water management, and environmental sustainability,” he said.
The World Bank's Country Director for India Auguste Koume said that Haryana holds immense potential for economic growth. Due to its proximity to the national capital, Delhi, Haryana attracts foreign investors, making it a preferred destination for investment.