Fostering inclusive economic growth is 4th pillar of our strategy: Andre

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Fostering inclusive economic growth is 4th pillar of our strategy: Andre

Saturday, 08 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

Solidaridad Asia provides scalable and economically effective sustainability solutions in agriculture, mining, and leather and textiles sectors in collaboration with governments, businesses and the community. It is driving sustainability from niche to norm in Asian markets to support people, planet and profits.

Andre de Freitas, Global Executive Director of Solidaridad talked to The Pioneer during his maiden visit to the State capital.

Q: Solidaridad has emerged as one of India's leading sustainability organisations, supporting over 1.5 million smallholder farmers. Can you elaborate on how Solidaridad has achieved this and the impact it has had on farmers' incomes and ecological balance?

Andre de Freitas: Solidaridad's emergence as one of India's leading sustainability organisations is a testament to our comprehensive and collaborative approach. Our success in supporting over 1.5 million smallholder farmers is rooted in a multifaceted strategy that integrates sustainable agricultural practices, innovative technologies, and strong partnerships with local and international stakeholders.

One of our key achievements has been the establishment of the regenagri certification standard, developed in collaboration with Control Union. This certification provides a clear and verifiable framework for regenerative agriculture, helping farmers access premium markets and receive higher prices for their sustainably produced goods. By implementing regenerative practices such as crop rotation, cover cropping, reduced tillage, and the use of organic compost, we have significantly improved soil health and water management. These practices not only boost agricultural productivity but also increase the resilience of farms to climate change.

Q: What are Solidaridad's strategic priorities for fostering sustainability in India?

Andre de Freitas: Solidaridad's strategic priorities in India are deeply aligned with our global mission of creating sustainable supply chains and promoting environmental stewardship. Our Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) is specifically tailored to address the unique challenges and opportunities in India. We focus on four main pillars: promoting regenerative agriculture, combating industrial pollution, fostering inclusive economic growth, and generating rural jobs.

I have already shared that Regenerative agriculture is a cornerstone of our strategy. Our initiatives have successfully demonstrated that regenerative practices can lead to higher yields and reduced input costs, benefitting both the environment and the farmers.

Combating industrial pollution is another critical area. We work with industries, particularly in sectors like leather and textiles, to implement pollution reduction technologies.

Q: How is Solidaridad engaging with the Indian government and private sector to advance its sustainability agenda?

Andre de Freitas: Engagement with the Indian government and private sector is a cornerstone of our strategy to advance sustainability. Our collaborative approach ensures that our initiatives are aligned with national priorities and have the support needed to scale effectively.

We engage with the Indian government at both the national and state levels. Our work aligns with key government initiatives like the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), which promotes sustainable farming practices to enhance agricultural productivity and resilience. By aligning our projects with government policies, we ensure that our efforts are integrated into broader national strategies. For example, in Maharashtra, our regenerative agriculture projects are part of the state's efforts to combat drought and improve water management.

We also have strategic partnerships with various government bodies. One notable collaboration is with the National Mission on Clean Ganga under the Ministry of Water Resources, where we have worked on projects to reduce pollution in the leather and textile industry on the banks of rivers Ganga and Yamuna.

Q: How does Solidaridad leverage technology and innovation to enhance sustainability in India?

Andre de Freitas: Technology and innovation are critical enablers of our sustainability initiatives in India. We leverage cutting-edge digital tools and technological solutions to enhance agricultural productivity, reduce environmental impact, and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers.

We deploy hyper-local weather stations and soil sensors that provide farmers with precise information on weather patterns, soil moisture levels, and crop health. This data-driven approach helps farmers make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilisation, and pest management, thereby optimising resource use and improving crop yields.

For instance, in our projects in Madhya Pradesh, the deployment of soil moisture sensors and weather stations has significantly improved water management practices. Farmers receive real-time alerts and advisories on their mobile phones, enabling them to apply water and nutrients more efficiently. This not only conserves water but also reduces the reliance on chemical fertilisers, promoting soil health and sustainability.

Q: What role does Solidaridad envision for itself in the future of sustainability in India, especially in terms of market impact and policy advocacy?

Andre de Freitas: Solidaridad envisions itself as a key driver of systemic change in India's sustainability landscape. Our role is to catalyse market transformation and advocate for policies that support sustainable development. We believe that by influencing both market dynamics and public policy, we can create an enabling environment for sustainable practices to flourish.

In terms of market impact, our goal is to mainstream sustainable practices across various sectors. This involves not only promoting sustainable agriculture but also ensuring that these practices are economically viable for farmers and attractive to buyers. We work to create demand for sustainably produced goods by engaging with companies, retailers, and consumers. By establishing clear standards and certification systems, such as regenagri, we provide assurance to buyers and incentivise farmers to adopt sustainable practices.

Our efforts in the leather and textile industries illustrate our market impact strategy. By working with industry stakeholders to implement pollution reduction technologies and sustainable production practices, we help companies meet international sustainability standards.

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