In an amusing yet embarrassing turn of events, Bharatiya Janata Party workers in Kanpur Nagar misidentified Rajya Sabha member Baburam Nishad as Ramesh Awasthi, their party candidate for the Kanpur Lok Sabha constituency.
The incident unfolded at Kanpur Central railway station on Wednesday, causing a stir among bystanders and drawing attention on social media platforms.
As the Shatabdi Express pulled into platform No. 9 of the railway station, enthusiastic BJP supporters gathered to welcome their candidate. Mistaking Nishad for Awasthi due to their similar attire, the workers erupted into cheers and began showering flowers on the unsuspecting MP.
The scene was captured on video by a news agency and it went viral, showcasing the mix-up in full view.
Ramesh Awasthi, hailing from Nagla Husa village in UP’s Farrukhabad district, was recently nominated by the BJP to contest the Kanpur Lok Sabha seat in place of Satyadev Pachauri.
Pachauri, who had replaced veteran BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi, withdrew from the race shortly before the release of the fifth list of candidates. Awasthi, a former media professional with a background in journalism, currently serves on the UP BJP working committee.
The incident at the railway station highlights the fervour surrounding the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections, scheduled to be held in seven phases from April 19 to June 1. With voting for the Kanpur constituency slated for May 13, such moments serve as a reminder of the intense campaigning and excitement that accompany the democratic process. The votes cast across the nation will be counted on June 4, determining the composition of the next Lok Sabha.
The embarrassed BJP workers later extended a rousing welcome to Ramesh Awasthi with garlands and bouquets. Awasthi then proceeded in a procession on DCM with dozens of four-wheelers following it and after darshan at the ancient Ganesh temple at Ghantaghar and Anandeshwar temple in Parmat, he reached BJP North City office at Naveen Market where he was again extended a rousing welcome by party leaders.
Speaking on the occasion, Awasthi said all the party workers were required to work unitedly for meeting the target of winning over 400 Lok Sabha seats set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He was confident of meeting the target with the help of various welfare schemes launched by Narendra Modi-Yogi Adityanath governments at the Centre and in UP.
Prominent party activists present at the Central railway station included area president Prakash Pal, sitting MP Devendra Singh Bhole, MLA Neelima Katiyar, Navin Pandit, Prakash Vir Arya, Manish Tripathi, Ajay Kapoor, MLA Surendra Maithani, Shivram Singh, Raghunandan Singh Bhadauria, Jaspal Bhagat, Suresh Awasthi and party’s Kanpur Dehat president Manoj Shukla.