No worries on LS polls outcome, expecting good results: KCR

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No worries on LS polls outcome, expecting good results: KCR

Monday, 03 June 2024 | PTI | hyderabad

Amid exit poll reports indicating a “poor show” by the BRS in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections, former Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Sunday downplayed it, saying whatever be the outcome, the party will work for the people.

Addressing the leaders and workers of the party on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the formation of Telangana state, Rao, also known as KCR, said the BRS’s defeat in the recent assembly polls was a temporary setback.

Attacking the Congress government in the state, Rao said the present regime has become unpopular in a short span of time, and that the anger among people is such that the discontent will “explode like a bomb” shortly.

“What will happen in the Parliament elections? It (result) can be any number. Somebody said we (BRS) would get 11 seats. Some other person said we get only one seat. Somebody said 2 to 4. This has become gambling. Let us see. There was a good response among the public during my bus yatra (poll campaigning). We can expect a good result. Whatever be the outcome, there is no need to worry,” he said.

“Whatever be the outcome, BRS is the protection shield for Telangana,” he further said. Several exit poll predictions indicated that there will be tough fight between the Congress and the BJP while the BRS would be marginalised in the recently held Lok Sabha elections. Telangana has 17 Lok Sabha seats.

Alleging that some people are saying that they’ll finish off the BRS, KCR said the ‘pink party’ is “like an ocean”, and no one can destroy it.

“There is a bright future for us, and don’t get confused with political results. This decennial celebration should become an inspiration for us,” the BRS supremo advised his party cadres.

Rao said the defeat in the assembly elections was a temporary setback that would occur to any political party during its journey and exuded confidence that BRS would come back to power again in the next assembly elections. Even six months after coming to power, the Congress government has not announced even a single policy for sectors such as industry, IT, and agriculture, he said. He recalled that the whole of Telangana region, before becoming a state, was plagued with suicides, famine, power cuts, hunger deaths of weavers, and that there have been major improvements since then.

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