CPI(M) shocked by BJP opening account in Kerala

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CPI(M) shocked by BJP opening account in Kerala

Saturday, 08 June 2024 | Kumar Chellappan | KOCHI

While Sitaram Yechury, the CPI(M) general secretary and Pinarayi Vijayan, the chief Minister, are upset over the victory of Suresh Gopi, the BJP candidate from Thrissur Lok Sabha constituency, the duo is silent about the mammoth wins registered by Muslim League from the constituencies of Malappuram and Ponnani. Suresh Gopi won by 75,000 votes relegating the Congress candidate K Muraleedharan to the third  position.

Reacting to Suresh Gopi’s victory, the first by a BJP candidate from Kerala in the State’s electoral history, Yechury said it was an unfortunate development. Vijayan said in a statement that the BJP opening account in Kerala should be viewed seriously which means the coming months will see a rise in political murders in the State.

E T Mohammed Basheer, the Muslim League candidate who contested from Malappuram polled 6.44 lakh votes defeating his CPI(M) rival by more than 3,00,000 votes. Abdusamad Samadani, the Muslim League candidate at Ponnani  won by a margin of 2,35, 760 votes. Interestingly, no candidates other than Muslims have won from these two constituencies.

Both the constituencies (known in local parlance as Kerala’s Pakistan)  have emerged as the monopoly of Muslim League despite the fact that there is no development of any kind in the region. “Wherever the Muslim community constitutes more than 10 per cent of the population, there is Muslim consolidation but the secular and liberal brigade are silent about this phenomenon,” said a veteran political commentator.   

Samadani hogged national limelight for the conversion of famous author Kamala Das from Sanatana Dharma to Islam. The Muslim League leader had promised to marry her if she got converted to Islam. The easily gullible Kamala Das believed him and got converted to Islam, changing her name to Kamala Surayya and started wearing burqa. After a month long honeymoon, Samadani cried off from the deal leaving Kamala Surayya high and dry. This was the first ever high profile Love Jihad in the State.

Kamala, shocked and shattered, left Kerala to stay with her youngest son at Pune and did not come back to the State while she was alive.

Though she had told her close friend Leela Menon, a nationally acclaimed journalist, that she was cheated by the lover and expressed her desire to get reconverted to  Sanatana Dharma, that remained unfulfilled. There are thousands of Samadanis who have played the role of Romeos to trap Hindu girls by promising them heaven after marriage only to dump them as sex slaves in ISIS territories.

Mohammed Basheer, whose son was caught cheating a nationalised Bank in Kozhikode by not paying back loan worth hundreds of crores availed  during the UPA regime (2004-2014) is another Islamic extremist. No persons other than Islamic Jihadis could win from these two constituencies and the 14 assembly constituencies that constitute them.

“The former parliamentarians, late Ibrahim Sulaiman Sait and late Ghulam Mohammed Banatwala visited these constituencies only for filing the nomination papers and this had earned them the title “migratory birds”. The Muslim League is a constituent of the Congress-led UDF in the State while it is with INDI Alliance in the national politics. There are possibilities of the League switching over to the CPI(M) camp at the right time,” said P Sujathan, author and political critic.

P Rajeev, CPI(M) leader and Kerala’s industry minister had declared that Muslim League should have been allocated six Lok Sabha seats. “Had they been with us, the party would have won more seats,” he had said. The religious demography of Kerala is so placed that only candidates who are  at the mercy of Muslim community could dream of winning elections in the State.  

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