UGC introduces biannual admissions

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UGC introduces biannual admissions

Thursday, 11 July 2024 | T V Kattimani

UGC introduces biannual admissions

The dual-session method allows institutions to maintain the quality of education and resources, ensuring each student receives adequate attention and support 

The Chairman, of UGC has announced that bi-annual admissions will happen from the session 2024-25. It has been mentioned that the admissions will occur twice once in the July-August session and the other in the January- February session. Since the announcement of the decision, diverse perspectives have been raised among different scholars, academia, and academic bodies. While some experts believe that it will align the Indian higher education system with the global educational system by enhancing international collaborations and providing greater access and more opportunities for students to enrol in their preferred programs, others are addressing the challenges that may come up with the implementation of the process. <

It includes the involvement of additional teaching staff and infrastructure as the number of students will double by the process. Similarly, many universities have vacant posts which are often tackled by contractual teachers and hence the workload is already excessive among the concerned staff which can cause a problem in the execution of the bi-annual admission system.If observed acutely, the system is not new to the Indian Higher Education Institutions. The Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi which is the largest open university with one of the highest enrolled students in the country has been adopting this bi-annual approach since its inception.

The same goes with state open universities like Uttar Pradesh RajashriTondon Open University as well as private Universities like Christ University, Bengaluru. The above – mentioned universities that have adopted a dual-session model for admissions to their various undergraduate and postgraduate programs are already providing various benefits to the students. This strategic approach is designed to effectively manage the high volume of applications while ensuring flexibility and convenience for prospective students.

The dual-session system also introduces significant flexibility into the admissions process. It caters to students who might have missed the first session's deadlines or are awaiting the results of other examinations like late declaration of board results, financial and medical problems, or any other unavoidable circumstances. By offering a second session, now UGC will allow these students another chance to apply, facilitating better planning of their academic pursuits without a break.

A primary objective of the two-session model is to enhance the overall convenience for students. This system allows prospective students to choose the admission session that best matches their academic schedules and individual needs, making the process more accommodating and less stressful. The universities experience a substantial influx of applications each year. By conducting two distinct admission sessions, academic institutions will be able to accommodate this large number of applicants better. Seat availability in various academic programs can fluctuate significantly between different enrollment sessions due to a multitude of factors.

These variations are influenced by the popularity of the programs, the strategic decisions made by institutions, and the behaviour of the applicants. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for prospective students and educational institutions alike. One of the primary reasons for differences in seat availability between sessions is the popularity of the programs. Highly sought-after programs, such as those in business, engineering, computer science, and medicine, tend to fill up quickly during the first enrollment session.

These programs often attract a large number of applicants due to their perceived value in the job market, the prestige associated with them, and the quality of education they offer. As a result, students eager to secure a spot in these competitive fields are likely to apply as early as possible, leading to a swift depletion of available seats in the initial session.Conversely, programs that are less competitive or specialized might see a more gradual filling of seats. These programs might not experience the same rush of applications in the first session, leading to more availability in the subsequent session.

This can be advantageous for students who may need more time to decide on their course of study or those who missed the first session deadline. Additionally, some students might be strategically applying to less competitive programs in the first session to secure a spot and then attempt to transfer to their preferred program later.Educational institutions also play a role in managing seat availability across sessions. Universities and colleges might reserve a certain number of seats for the second session to accommodate various types of students, such as international students, migrating students, or those who are waiting for the results of prerequisite courses or exams.

This ensures a more diverse student body and provides opportunities for students who couldn't apply or commit during the first session. Furthermore, the strategic decisions of institutions regarding the distribution of seats can influence availability. For example, some institutions may decide to open additional sections of popular courses in the second session based on the demand observed in the first session.

This flexibility helps in managing over-enrollment and ensures that more students get the opportunity to enrol in their desired programs. Applicant behaviour also affects seat availability. Many students apply to multiple programs and institutions simultaneously, holding onto multiple offers until they make a final decision. As they confirm their enrollment in one program, they relinquish seats in others, leading to fluctuations in availability.

This release of seats often happens closer to the second session, allowing late applicants or those on waiting lists a chance to secure a place.In addition, external factors such as economic conditions, changes in job market demands, and societal trends can impact enrollment patterns.

For instance, during economic downturns, there might be a surge in applications for programs perceived to offer better job security, thus affecting seat availability in those programs across both sessions. Hence, the staggered approach ensures that students are more likely to secure admission into their preferred programs gradually or may sometimes lose a year or more waiting for the same.

The dual-session method allows the institution to maintain the quality of education and resources, ensuring that each student receives adequate attention and support. It is a way of managing demand and capacity.

In conclusion, the dual-session admission strategy adopted by UGC is a thoughtful and effective measure to streamline the admission process in Indian universities. It caters to numerous issues faced by students while providing the necessary flexibility and convenience, ultimately supporting a diverse and dynamic student-oriented approach.

(The writer is Vice Chancellor, Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh; views are personal)

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