Total knee replacement is a quantum leap towards pain relief

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Total knee replacement is a quantum leap towards pain relief

Tuesday, 04 June 2024 | Vipul Kumar Gupta

Total knee replacement is a quantum leap towards pain relief

TKR is a transformative solution for those with knee pain. By tackling the root cause of pain, it not only restores mobility but also improves overall health

A 46-year-old woman faced the challenges of bilateral knee degeneration due to a rare congenital condition. Her knees had deteriorated significantly, causing chronic pain and limited mobility. After careful evaluation of her condition and medical history, she was recommended bilateral total knee replacement surgery (TKR) as the most suitable option. Following the surgery, she experienced a remarkable transformation. Today, she enjoys a newfound sense of freedom and vitality. Whether it's walking, hiking, or pursuing her passions, she does so with confidence and ease.

Knee pain affects millions of individuals in India, hindering basic activities like walking and stair climbing. However, TKR is a breakthrough revolution in this direction, and a study published in the Journal of Arthroplasty reports that over 90% of TKR patients experience significant pain relief and improved mobility post-surgery.

TKR, also known as knee arthroplasty, is considered a quantum leap towards pain relief for patients suffering from severe knee pain, often due to arthritis or injuries. This surgical procedure involves replacing the affected parts of the knee joint with artificial components to normalcy.

Women often face knee problems because of their body structure and changes like menopause hormones. This can make everyday tasks harder due to joint weakness and extra knee pressure. That's why doctors suggest knee replacement surgery. It's a way to fix the knee for improved and painless functionality. Unlike conventional treatments, surgery tackles the root cause and enables the person to enjoy a normal and painless life.

TKR isn't just for seniors anymore; it's also a lifeline for younger adults, addressing various conditions beyond sports injuries. It's also beneficial for patients with traumatic injuries or fractures leading to irreparable knee damage. TKR addresses these issues, provides long-term relief, and restores knee function. Eventually, it empowers younger individuals to lead active lives. Factors such as activity level and implant durability are carefully evaluated to ensure optimal outcomes.

TKR is a transformative solution for those with knee pain and coexisting health issues like diabetes or obesity. By tackling the root cause of pain, TKR not only restores mobility but also improves overall health. Reduced pain and enhanced mobility support, increased physical activity, aiding in weight management and blood sugar control.

Total Knee Replacement involves replacing the whole knee joint with artificial parts, which is useful for widespread arthritis or severe damage. On the other side, Partial Knee Replacement (PKR) targets only the damaged part of the knee, keeping healthy tissue and bone intact. Both surgeries aim to reduce pain and improve movement, but they differ in how much of the knee they address. TKR is a comprehensive solution for serious knee issues, while PKR focuses on specific areas of damage. The choice between the two depends on the severity of the injury and the patient's overall health.

Physical therapy is crucial before and after TKR. Before surgery, it strengthens muscles and improves flexibility, preparing patients for the procedure. After surgery, therapy helps reduce swelling, regain mobility, and rebuild muscle strength. Continued therapy ensures optimal knee function, prevents stiffness, and enhances the quality of life.

TKR offers hope to people regardless of age, gender, or health challenges. With advancements in medicine, TKR has become a game-changer in treating knee problems as a reliable solution for improving knee function and reducing pain. It's a choice that can truly change their lives for the better!

(The writer is a senior. Joint Replacement Surgeon at Shalby Hospital, Lucknow; views are personal)

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