We must focus on solving our own problems objectively without going into cyclic thinking
This is very wise to do. Because we must be the prime movers for this. But we are in denial or wish to make a good impression on others. Mostly, we don’t. We go into cyclic thinking; and get obsessed with our problems. This is not solving our problems. On the contrary, we are making them worse. Surprisingly, we have solutions to the problems of others, societies, nations, etc. Some of them may be good because we are likely to be objective about them. This is great except that we are not being asked. Then, there are other limitations. When it is our problem, we see mostly the dark side and do not think about how solving it will benefit us.
Regarding issues of others, we are also not seeing the nature of the person. We assume that they will be perfect without any faults like being ignorant, egoist, etc. Their circumstances may be very different from ours. In short, it is a complete waste of time to think of the problems of others. I have realised this, and now I try to focus on my problems; I have plenty. Out of them, I have chosen the six most important ones. As in my habit, I seek solutions from the Bhagavad-Geeta – the book of eternal wisdom. I will begin with the most pressing, which is being fearful. What has Lord Krishna instructed about this fundamental matter? (Verse # 2.40) In simple language, it means that one should take shelter from God to reduce fears.
I have done this and my fearful tendencies have reduced appreciably. Whenever I become fearful, I pray for guidance and help from my Lord. Believe it; He guides and helps. My next serious problem is getting sexual thoughts and feelings. Lord Krishna has given its solution too. (3.43) I have realised that I cannot reason my way out of it. For example, I use lots of internet for useful information. What does pop out in between? I am getting good practice to press the Back – button. For the younger lot, the Lord has a solution too. He has allowed ‘kama’ (passion) in beings according to ‘dharma’ (religious principles). The third problem I seriously face is not being sincere about taking shelter from God. The tapasya (austerity) required defeats me.
The reason of course is the nature of my body. The mind, the senses and the intelligence all are material, and the tapasya required is spiritual. What is the solution? Pray for help and keep praying. That itself is a spiritual act. You will succeed as I am getting better. The fourth problem, which is a serious challenge for me is my ‘ahankar’ (ego). With success comes Shankar, i.e. I am superior. What is the solution according to the Geeta? What did Lord Krishna tell Arjuna, “If you don’t heed my instructions due to your ahankar, you will perish.” (18.58) I try to remind myself whenever I get too puffed up; that I don’t wish to perish. The fifth giver of trouble to me is my weakness to gain attention, fame, etc.
I have realised that whatever I have achieved is due to the ‘kripa’ (mercy) of my Lord. By myself, I am close to zero as a small soul. What did Lord Krishna tell Arjuna? (11.33) I give credit for my successes to my Lord. The last one is interpersonal relationships. I have tried to reform my near and dear ones and surely failed miserably. They will improve when they desire to. It is working especially with my grandchildren. So, I am trying to improve my behaviour. This fits with my original requirement of solving my problems.
(The writer is a spiritual teacher; views are personal)