Seth registers strong objection to sloganeering in Owaisi’s rally

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Seth registers strong objection to sloganeering in Owaisi’s rally

Friday, 01 September 2023 | PNS | Ranchi

BJP MP from Ranchi Sanjay Seth expressed strong reaction to the slogans of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ raised in Asaduddin Owaisi's meeting in the Dumri bye-election on Wednesday. Seth said that Owaisi remained a mute spectator during the sloganeering. “He talks about the Constitution, but not obeying it, he wants to implement the Sharia law in the whole country, why didn't Owaisi asked to arrest those boys, why didn't he lodge an objection in the police station, what was the Jharkhand police doing? Why did not take prompt action and why no one has been arrested so far,” said the MP in a press conference here on Thursday.

Seth further said that the appeasement politics will not work. “This is not the first incident in Jharkhand. Many such incidents have happened in Jharkhand. Slogans of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ were raised even in the Muharram procession. Why did the government not take action? This is part of a well-planned conspiracy. The demography that is changing in Jharkhand, the way Bangladeshis are infiltrating Jharkhand, the way Bangladeshis are getting protection from the government among Santhals, this is the result of this,” he said.

The Ranchi MP said, “Keep an eye on such people and fast track them. By making a code and identifying such people, they should be prosecuted for treason. Such people who raise the slogan of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ do not have the right to live in India. A few days ago, under a conspiracy, a riot was organized inside Ranchi. Hanuman temple was vandalized by thousands of miscreants. Not only this, even police personnel were killed. What happened? Due to appeasement, to save such people, Jharkhand government and Ranchi police gave a clean chit to the miscreants whereas Ranchi police had already identified such miscreants. What was the compulsion that they were released?”

Seth said that the Chief Minister should tell whether the Government of Jharkhand wants to implement the Sharia law in the state, what is the intention of the Government, the Government has given exemption on animal smuggling in Jharkhand, Animal smuggling is going on indiscriminately in Jharkhand and it has the protection of the government. Love Jihad cases are increasing in Jharkhand. The government is silent on this. Appeasement politics will not work. In the coming time, the people of the state will work to teach a lesson.

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