Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra" run by the Government of India was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15th November from Khunti, the birthplace of Birsa Munda, which will be celebrated across the country till 26th January 2024. Under this programme, a special program was organized today on 17th December in Bitapur Panchayat and Chilku Panchayat of Kharsawan district. Chief guest, Union Minister of Agriculture, Farmers Welfare and Tribal Affairs Arjun Munda distributed calendar and other awareness materials of the new year 2024 from the Bharat Sankalp Yatra awareness vehicle developed at the venue of the program. He also took a photo of Prime Minister Modi at the selfie point installed at the venue.
The program was formally started by lighting the lamp by the guests in Bitapur and Chilku Panchayat. The Minister during his speech mentioned that Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra will go a long way in achieving the objectives of making the country a developed country by the year 2047 and also urged the local residents to take pledge to make this campaign successful. He said that as per the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the nation is rapidly moving towards progress and prosperity and the day is not far when dreams will become reality.
Munda visited the stalls set up by women of self-help groups, Anganwadi and health care centers in Bitapur Panchayat and Chilku Panchayat. After the conclusion of the program, the Minister distributed free gas cylinders to the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana of Kharsawan block.
Under the "Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra" campaign, camps related to health checkup, Ayushman Card, PM Ujjwala, Aadhaar Card Update, PM Swanidhi are being organized across the country mainly for the common people. The Government of India is committed to ensuring that the benefits of the flagship schemes reach the targeted beneficiaries in a time bound manner. To make it successful, this program has been started as a nationwide campaign through outreach activities to create awareness among the general public.