The Bharatiya Janata Party State in-charge Dushyant Kumar Gautam has appreciated the step taken by the State government regarding illegal religious structures in Uttarakhand. In an information interaction with media persons after arriving here on a three-day tour of Uttarakhand on Tuesday, Gautam said that the manner in which chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has expressed his commitment to action in the matter of illegal religious structures is undoubtedly better and also necessary for ‘Devbhoomi’. He said that illegally built mazars or any type of religious encroachments should not be acceptable in Uttarakhand. He stressed that the BJP is not against any community but is against the system of encroaching on governmental and non-governmental land and usurping it as part of a conspiracy.
The manner in which the chief minister has announced that strict action will be taken in such cases is better and appreciable, said the party’s State in-charge. This decision has sent a good message to the public and the citizens are welcoming it, he averred. Gautam further said that the anti-conversion law enacted in Uttarakhand has also become an issue of interest in other States. He further said that with the help of the Centre, various projects amounting to more than Rs 1.5 lakh crore are underway in Uttarakhand which are taking the State forward on the developmental path at a swift pace.
The strict anti-copying law brought by the Dhami government is also being studied by other States which are also eager to implement a similar law, he said. Increase in tourism activities in the State will also increase employment opportunities. As per the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttarakhand will surely become one of the leading States of India under chief minister Dhami’s leadership, added Gautam.