The shift towards digital technology has enabled many businesses and organizations to automate processes, save manpower, and reduce costs. By adopting digital tools and platforms, organizations can streamline operations, increase efficiency, and improve accuracy.
With processes and transactions being conducted digitally, there is a greater need for verification to prevent fraud and forgery. Digital technologies have made it easier for individuals to impersonate others and create fraudulent documents or transactions. Therefore, businesses and organizations must use robust verification methods to ensure the legitimacy of users and transactions.
Blockchain has been around for over a decade, but people still associate it only with cryptocurrencies. But in reality, it has many potential use cases beyond cryptocurrency.
For example, counterfeit document detection is a critical issue. Documents or any records are commonly issued on paper. These documents are easy to counterfeit and can be lost or jeopardised. Blockchain technology is a system that records the data in a way that makes it difficult or non-viable to change or hack the system. Blockchain technology can be used to create secure, tamper-proof records of transactions, contracts, and other types of data.
Beyond Imagination Technologies is trying to change the conversation around blockchain. The company is nurturing the Blockchain/Web3 technology and building cost-effective, safe, and secure solutions that fit the market's needs and help address the major market problems in all possible classes and verticals of organisations, thereby creating a conducive environment for its fair growth and development in India. The company uses blockchain technology to address the everyday pain points of organisations.