Glory Bharti, a student of Government Institute of Forensic Science, Nagpur, in collaboration with Quick Heal Foundation in the local city center Sector 4 Bokaro, while giving information related to cyber-crime among the people present, explained in detail about the measures to avoid cyber-crime and made people aware to avoid cyber-crime. While having interaction during the cyber-crime awareness program Glory Bharti said that in this digital era, the biggest medium of cyber-crime is mobile phone hence caution is always needed in its use. For example, one should not pick up calls from unknown numbers and one should also use the facility to stop such fraudulent calls by going to the settings of the mobile. Also we must not share any kind of information received on mobile devices such as OTP with anyone else. Moreover we must not share your personal information like Aadhaar number, PAN number etc. on mobile to anyone.
While making payment through UPI, one should use the scanner and not the mobile number. Caution should also be taken while using Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram etc. For example, all social media accounts should be made private instead of public so that no one can misuse your profile. It is noteworthy that in this awareness programme, prominent persons from society Mohan Nair, Rajkumar Singh, Vinay Kumar Singh, Prashant Kumar, Aghanu Gorai, Sanjay Kumar Dangi, Sushil Kumar, Parinv Kumar, Ram Balak Bhagat, DD Sharma, Media representative Hare Ram Bharti etc. were present mainly.