Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan has said that in view of the elections in the state, the CSs and DGPs of Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh have been told to arrest and jail the miscreants of MP who are staying in their states.
Arrest them and hand them over to the Madhya Pradesh Police so that they do not become a hindrance in conducting fair and free elections.
The Chief Electoral Officer said that the list of such miscreants of MP has been handed over to all the states. Also, they have been told that they will stop the miscreants of their state from entering MP and cooperate in the election work.
A virtual meeting has also been held on Thursday with Chief Secretaries and DGPs of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh states regarding this.
In this meeting, it has been said that the neighboring states should cooperate in the investigation and other works in the election process.
Rajan said that till 48 hours before the polling, the police force deployed in view of the elections in Madhya Pradesh will be engaged in checking at the border, but as the 48 hours approaches, they will be withdrawn from there and deployed in security arrangements at the polling stations. In such a situation, the police of the neighboring states will investigate and stop those who are illegally entering the borders of MP.
Chief Electoral Officer Rajan said that work is being done to strictly follow the code of conduct in the state. Voters above 80 years of age and disabled voters are being given a separate option for voting and 88000 forms have been filled till two days ago.
According to the trends so far, 10 to 12 percent of voters in any state take advantage of it. If there are more than 1550 voters in a polling station, a proposal has been sent to the Election Commission for setting up an additional polling station. As soon as approval is received from there, a separate polling station will be constructed in the same building and the number of voters will be halved.
He said at a media workshop at the RCVP Noronha Academy of Administration that the work is to make voters aware and motivated to reach the polling booths and vote. Media people have a huge following on social media. If you get the benefit of voting for it, you should strive for it. Rajan said that 48 hours before the polling, the people outside the assembly will have to go to their constituencies.
Rajan said that if any news channel runs a national level program on MP elections or does something that can affect the elections, it is a challenging task to take action in such a case but the possible action would be will be done Rajan said that the nature of media today is not localized but globalized.
Rajan said that cash and other materials worth Rs 136 crore have been seized in a span of 16 days so far this year compared to the last election. This is close to double the previous election in just 16 days of action. Stricter and faster action will be taken in the coming days. For this, investigation teams are working day and night at the border and are investigating.
In the presence of Deputy Chief Electoral Officer Manoj Khatri, Master Trainer YP Singh informed about the restrictions fixed for the entry of media during the election process.
Singh said that it will be mandatory for the electronic media that they will not be able to interview anyone within 100 meters of the polling station. It was also informed that the media will not be allowed to carry anything while entering the polling station, counting center.
Only admit cards issued by CEO MP Election Office and District Election Officer Office will be accepted. Apart from this, information about paid news and other activities was also given in the workshop.