Rashtriya Lok Dal national spokesperson Anil Dubey said on Wednesday that if the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) formed the government at the Centre after the parliamentary election in 2024, party president Jayant Chaudhary would waive all loans of farmers.
He said the assembly election results of three states had taught the INDIA bloc a big lesson and hoped that this lesson would further strengthen the opposition alliance.
“Taking lessons from these results, the INDIA bloc will not let the shortcomings recur in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections to face another debacle,” he said.
Dubey said the people of the country wanted a change and the change in public’s mood was visible in the recent elections held in five states, and this should be a cause of concern for the Bharatiya Janata Party government because the people could also replace the Central government.
Dubey was speaking at the Advocate Samvad organised by Satish Kumar Shukla, former president of Unnao Bar Association, on Wednesday.
He alleged that the BJP government was not bothered about welfare and well-being of farmers, poor and youth of the country. “The BJP has waived bank loans of Rs 15 lakh crore of the industrialists of the country but it has not deemed it fit to waive the Rs 2 lakh crore bank loans of farmers,” he said.
He said the RLD was continuously fighting for farmers and was trying to get their problems resolved
He struck a chord with the advocates present at the function, saying in the BJP government, neither the Advocates Protection Act was enacted nor were the advocates given the facility of exemption in health, rail, transport services, toll tax, nor were they given accommodation.
“If RLD comes to power, it will work to fulfill the demands of the advocates,” he announced.
On this occasion, Unnao Bar Association president Satish Kumar Shukla, RLD state general secretary Manoj Singh Chauhan, Devaki Nandan Mishra, Abhay Mishra and several others were present.