The role of an administrator

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The role of an administrator

Wednesday, 06 September 2023 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

The role of an administrator

An honest and disciplined administrator can boost efficiency and provide a healing touch 

Every organisation or institution in the world has several people working to fulfil its aims and objectives or to achieve its goals. Hence, the proper functioning of these organisations or institutions necessitates good administration because no organisation or institution, worth its name, can function well without a good administration. An administrator, who is also called a bureaucrat, manager or executive, has to set up goals and targets and maintain the work schedule as well as the efficiency of the team that is working under him. He has to work out a functional system of personnel management and to see that there is proper coordination among various parts and that the functionaries work as a team and have job satisfaction.

Thus the work of an administrator or a bureaucrat requires a multi-splendored personality with many qualities because he/she has to handle not just goods but human beings too who have their sensibilities, sensitivities, perceptions and emotions. He should, therefore, have many qualities of head and heart that would enable him to handle matters with great acumen, skill, alacrity, understanding, efficiency and responsibility. However, if an administrator is short-tempered, volatile, depressive, melancholic, repressive and inconsiderate, he can lead the whole establishment into trouble or ruins. Therefore, an administrator must be jovial, friendly, dignified & bubbling with energy and enthusiasm, to lead his/her organisation from progress to more progress. So, a lot depends on the qualities and the personality of the Administrator or the executive, because nothing will move properly and quickly unless he moves in the right direction. This is thus the pivotal position.

 A recent study done by sociologists in India revealed that most of the Administrators in public or private establishments live under extreme pressures from various directions and also under positive and negative pressures from within. Due to their multifarious responsibilities and pivotal position, they have to face bitter criticism and even blame and brick bats, resulting from jealousy, the rivalry of some and genuine or false dis-satisfaction of others. For all these and various other reasons, he/she, therefore, is required to be equipped with qualities which provide to him the security of armour and the source of mental, moral and spiritual strength and can work as an in-built fountainhead of the joy of work. Experience has shown that only a spiritually oriented administrator can maintain the much-needed balance between humility and dignity or tenderness and toughness, love and law and cheer and care.

Such a character, by his/her sterling character, strong sympathy and love for mankind, can inspire trust and love in others. People find joy in working with such a person. They value such an executive of the organisation and have love and admiration for him. Today, the world needs nothing more than enhancement of these qualities in the administrator, the top brass or the executive of an establishment, because that's the urgent need of the hour. People want bureaucrats to cut short lengthy procedures and delay in decisions. Their attitude of help and kindness or proper consideration can win them great public goodwill and high appreciation which are no less an attainment and a life satisfaction that one cherishes. Their clean conscience and clean hands can build a clean society without the necessity of religious discourse. Such honest & disciplined people can thus give a healing touch to an ailing administration and give the public great confidence, relief and respite which would be most helpful in building a safe, better and healthy society.

(Writer is a spiritual educator & popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal & UK)

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