Only right education can ensure world peace

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Only right education can ensure world peace

Wednesday, 06 December 2023 | js Rajput

Only right education can ensure world peace

The quality of school education deserves maximum attention, particularly in terms of teacher education and recruitment, vocational skills and interest identification

The strife-torned world aspires to witness days of no wars, and no violence for future generations. One could safely state that even those who are busy fighting the Ukraine-Russia war, or Israel - Palestine war; or busy in violence in the name of fundamentalism and terrorism, must be somewhere inside willing to give a tension-violence-war free world to their future generations. Probably some select ones could still be under the illusion that their Truth is the only Truth, and all others who do not toe the line must be brought within the fold by even by violence would like their generations ahead to continue in the tradition of violence their Goal – certainly a utopia - stands achieved!

One needs a really tough-nut optimist to even imagine that wars and violence could vanish from the face of the earth in the near future. However, the faith in human ingenuity and trust in the powers of love to create an environment of hope and inspire people to work for global peace. The way out is only one; follow the path of knowledge, and be conversant in applying the skill of discrimination to separate right from wrong, light from darkness, real from false, and Truth from Untruth! This is not the oft-quoted cliché! It is the only alternative available to human beings for the very survival of the human race on the planet Earth, and the planet itself. 

The mute question before India and Indians is: are we preparing ourselves to become the soldiers of peace and harmony within the boundaries of India, and then establish that the only way is the Indian way that respects diversity, universality of the human race, and responsibility of human beings to care for every human being, and most importantly, the nature that sustains humans so long it is treated in the appropriate manner! In the third decade of the third millennium, it is evident that as the world moves ahead in its dependence on knowledge, the emergence of an enlightened and cohesive people; and a strong, prosperous, enterprising, nation would prominently depend on good quality education and dynamic skill acquisition which are the two of its most powerful pivots.

India’s achievements in education in the post-independence period are indeed praiseworthy. From a literacy rate of around 18%, in 1947 we are now touching 80%!

Initiatives taken at the policy level, support extended to the community and adequate comprehension of their key role by teachers, academics, scholars and people have contributed to reaching the present position. Credit must also go to three major policy formulations in education - 1968, 1986 and 1992 - that have taken a comprehensive view of the emerging needs of the nation, changing national and international scenarios and aspirations of the young of India.

Each one of these confronted the inherited legacy of a transplanted alien system of education and made an attempt to move away from it. It has not been an easy task. However, India is now well-equipped with the necessary experience and expertise and has successfully formulated a policy that is ‘rooted to culture and committed to progress’. It envisages India’s prominent role in global human endeavours to create new knowledge and explore every possibility of its use for the benefit of humanity.

The NEP-2020 is essentially an articulation of the fundamental role of education in ‘achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development’. It responds with the confidence of an alert and active nation to achieve the SDG-4 that seeks to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote; lifelong learning opportunities for all”. The challenge before the academia of the nation is how to ensure quality education on a universal scale, dynamic skill acquisition and effective personality development. This would require high levels of competence, commitment and performance from every teacher irrespective of his level or stage in the hierarchy.

The NEP-2020 offers basic support by permitting flexibility in the choice of subjects of study and encourages multidisciplinary. Every learner could pursue the subject areas of his interest, he could study music and mathematics, or chemistry and philosophy. Flexibility and learner’s interest shall dominate the system. As the quality of school education paves the path for quality enhancement at higher levels, it deserves maximum attention, particularly in terms of teacher education and recruitment, vocational skills, individual attention and interest identification, and assessment procedures. It shall have to fully transform itself to ensure that ideas, imagination, curiosity and creativity with which every child is blessed with is never impeded, but dexterously nourished.

Hopefully; education shall get all the resource support in future, and the dilution of quality in certain aspects of education shall be redressed early. Only then the Indian education attract global attention and appreciation and shall not be ‘just the acquisition of knowledge as preparation for life in this world, or life beyond schooling, but for complete realisation and liberation of Soul’. True Indian education imbued with the legacy of ‘Worlds but one family’ could pave the path for global brotherhood in the world of today that is suffering in innumerable ways. The first step in India could be the transformation of elementary schools!

Yes, if teachers are given the autonomy -and responsibility – to present a model of regularity, punctuality, discipline, honesty, integrity, empathy, broad vision, commitment to the profession, value-based conduct, and growing up in competence, the multiplier impact would be tremendous. That could transform work culture in every other sphere of life. For that, the nation must trust the teacher and look after him!

(Professor Rajput works in education, social cohesion and religious amity)

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