More than two weeks after the AIIMS cyber attack, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar informed the Lok Sabha on Friday that all the data has been retrieved from an unaffected backup server with most of its services also being restored. Responding to a question, Pawar said no specific amount of ransom was demanded by the hackers though a message was discovered on the server that suggested it to be a cyber-attack.
An FIR has been registered by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences with the Special Cell of Delhi Police, regarding the attack, the minister said in her written reply. Five physical servers of AIIMS Delhi on which the e-Hospital application of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) was hosted, were affected. All the data for the e-Hospital has been retrieved from a backup server which was unaffected and restored on new servers.
“Most of the functions of e-Hospital applications like patient registration, appointment, admission, discharge etc have been restored after two weeks of the cyber-attack,” Pawar said in the written reply.