Facts, factoids and their interpretation

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Facts, factoids and their interpretation

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 | Sangram Mishra

Facts, factoids and their interpretation

Though both sound similar, there is a vast difference between facts and factoids, and we must differentiate between their implications as well

The fact always states something actual as opposed to the imagination, whereas a factoid means an inaccurate statement or statistic believed to be true because of broad repetition. Now the question arises as to whether the facts can be affected by the deliberate spread of factoids. And here comes the issue of the problem of interpretation.

 Any standard issue can be interpreted positively on negatively. Deliberate bias( the purposeful misrepresentation of data to advance an agenda) of the interpreter can negatively present a situation. Because of the importance of the tool of interpretation in influencing bahavioural and electoral dynamics, some universities keep the problem of interpretation as a subject in a political science course.

 The problem with interpretation is that it can present a factoid as a fact with continuous repetitions. The deliberate misrepresentation of facts or its distortion with bias or vendetta can precipitate unwanted situations undermining the position of the society, government, or nation. Freedom of expression doesn't confer the right to distort the facts, as this may foster serious implications.

Norman Mailer actually coined the word factoid. He used this word in his book Marilyn in 1973. He stated that factoids are news that have no existence before appearing in a newspaper or magazine meant to manipulate emotions in silent majority. Factoids though appear as facts but actually are not.Without exaggeration, it can be stated that the fangs of factoids or fake news can damage the democratic process and as such enormous part of public safety. Factoids also create mistrust affecting the social matrix. As it is Democratic system is always a soft target.

Factoids or fake information can be put under check by many regulatory bodies like the Press Council of India and the News Broadcasters Association etc. Relevant sections of I.P.C can be attracted and used to curb factoids or fake news. Apart from that section 66 of the I.T Act, 2000, the use of civil and criminal cases of defamation can put wane on its spread. Many provisions of acts and laws can directly or indirectly control the spread of fake information.

Factoids or fake news (sophisticated disinformation campaigns)pose a threat to any system including a democratic one. Fake news factors have been researched in six different ways by E.C Tandoc and others. These include news satire, news parody, news fabrication, photo manipulation, advertising, and public relations and propaganda. Whatever manifestation it does appear, it does harm society and the nation. Examples are many in regard to the spread of factoids and fake news causing enormous damage to individuals and the country. In regard to the Problem of Interpretation, it can be said that all philosophies, both actual and possible, rest on cognitional activity either as correctly conceived or as distorted by mistaken orientations.Coming to the definition part, an Interpretation may be stated as the act of explaining, reframing, or otherwise showing someone's own understanding of something. In lexiconic semantics interpretation as such means explaining; explicating; elucidating and projecting the hidden meaning of a parable. Interpretation enables effective communication between people all over the world. Proper interpretation of facts and their dissemination paves the way for a proper appreciation and perception of things for their appropriate utilisation. Any healthy developing nation needs (free flowing) dissemination of factual news sans distortion.

Positive interpretation has an affirmative connotation in any system of government. A half-filled up glass can be delineated either way as half full or half empty. A deliberate attempt to create perceptional distortion is deplorable. In any developing nation, the role of media ( including social media ) becomes important so as to present the right picture before the people discern reality and pursue socio-economic advancement.

What is the solution to this problem?

There is a saying that when communication stops, grapevine starts, meaning thereby that when communication stops, rumours establish their obnoxious existence. Frequent announcement of facts over media is a must to throttle rumours or any kind of misinformation. The second point is that immediate appropriate legal action/actions should be taken against the persons responsible for creating smoke screens. Moreover, such deliberate actions should be nipped in the bud thereby giving no scope to anybody for spreading falsehood and going with impunity. Especially in any crisis situation not only the government but citizens should come forward to build up the confidence of the people with positive information.

In the case of factoid, there lurks the ugly intention for misinterpretation to the detriment of individual /society or the nation. Whereas dissemination of correct information based on facts along with positive solutions is not only the duty of the media but also every single citizen to get over the problems of intended misinterpretation and misrepresentation.

(The author is a  superannuated senior  IAS officer. The views expressed are personal.)

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