It is all about achieving balance

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It is all about achieving balance

Wednesday, 06 April 2022 | Arpitaa Sen Sharma

It is all about achieving balance

In today’s world, HR has become a diverse field that also looks after management and its different aspects, such as performance, competency, succession, and a system that works on integrated talent management, says Arpitaa Sen

As times have changed, the need for better techniques has also emerged. Every aspect of corporate life is evolving and being adaptive. With the advancement in technology, there has been a development in the system of handling employees in every corporation. Human resource management evolved alongside the change as we phased it in, and it has shown enormous progress over the years for better employee management and the smooth operation of organisations.

The institution of human resources is efficient and effective in increasing the productivity and efficiency of employees. HRM has numerous facilities to offer and has a very distinctive role in the welfare of an organisation. Every corporation has a HRM which looks after the functioning of the whole system. It is considered a pillar of the corporate world as they are the ones who manage the workforce that creates revenue.

HRM has shown a significant change in its field, as in the current situation, it is not limited to hiring people. Although the term "human resource" has been recently acknowledged, it was mainly started somewhere in the 80’s. In the ancient and mediaeval times, there was no such system that talked about employees’ welfare and benefits.

Down the memory lane

History has not been kind to workers who worked their whole lives to fulfil their daily needs. They struggled to find work due to their dire situations. And back in the days when working was considered slavery, people were bought and sold. There was no proper management of any kind to look after them.

When the world faced industrialisation, it led to large numbers of workers working for one individual employer or a company, where the workers were only used for exploitation, as owners focused on profitability and productivity. Managing workers in businesses began during the late eighteenth century's Industrial Revolution. Many huge organisations existed before this era, but they were difficult to manage due to a lack of efficient technology. During this time, the work environment was extremely hostile, and employees were expected to work long hours for little pay.

The conditions, however, changed with time, which led to workers questioning the management. People talked about effective worker management, which represents workers and their problems. It worked as a mediator between the organisation and its workers.

Current scenario

HR is not limited as a function in the current scenario. Conditions have changed drastically with a positive approach. It has become an essential part of an organisation. The role of human resources has also evolved with the change, as they are not limited to personal administration, payroll, or hiring, and administration design. Human Resource Management has stepped up to the occasion. In today’s world, human resources has become a diverse field that also looks after management and its different aspects, such as performance, competency, succession, and a system that works on integrated talent management.

The role of HR has profoundly changed over the years with advancements in technology and changes in work culture. Due to the evolution and broadening of human resources, many people seek career opportunities in it. According to a survey, from 2020 to 2030, employment of human resources managers is expected to expand at a rate of 9 per cent, which is approximately average for all occupations. Women hold 49 per cent of the top HR positions and 22 per cent of the top incomes, according to the HR Executive list.

The role of human resources has become more dynamic with evolution and is now inclined towards the development of employees. For the growth of the organisation, HRM has now been focusing on improving employee experience and providing a comfortable working environment for them to work in.

HRM works to achieve a healthy balance between employees and their organisations and also makes efforts to provide a work-life balance.

The writer Arpitaa Sen Sharma HR Director at TekMonks

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