what if...?
Following the creation of the multiverse at the end of Loki’s first season finale, the series explores the various branching timelines of that multiverse in which major moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe films occur differently. It releases on August 11 on Disney+ Hotstar.
Japanese animated science fiction film written and co-directed by Hideaki Anno and produced by Studio Khara. It is the fourth and final film in the Rebuild of Evangelion film series of the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise. It releases on August 13 on Amazon Prime Video.
bhuj: The pride of india
The film’s story is based during 1971 Indo-Pak war when the IAF airstrip at Bhuj was destroyed in combat. Subsequently, 300 local women from Gujarat, led by IAF squadron leader Vijay Karnik, heroically reconstruct the airbase. It releases on Augut 13 on Disney+ Hotstar.