Actor Tahir Raj Bhasin is thrilled to be shooting in Ladakh for the first time. Tahir will be in the picturesque terrain for about two weeks to shoot for his digital series Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein.
The actor reveals, “Ladakh has an exquisite landscape and is a dream destination to shoot in. There’s a vast surreal beauty that the dessert mountains and altitude bring to the frame that fits the scale and vibe of the scenes. We’re aiming to shoot here over the next few days for the series Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein. I’ve grown up watching films like Lakshya, Jab Tak Hain Jaan, and 3 Idiots that have all shot iconic sequences in Ladakh and I’ve always wanted to shoot here in this unique terrain.”
Tahir had visited Ladakh as a teenager and has amazing memories from this vacation. He says, “I was 16 years old during my last visit to Ladakh, I remember long walks and visiting Buddhist temples with my parents. I also remember an extremely picturesque drive to Pangong Tso lake and eating some amazing thukpa and momos with my younger brother. I remember it being very windy and cold and so this time around I’m taking no chances and I’ve packed two jackets just to be safe.”
Tahir has always secretly wished to return to Ladakh. He says, “Travelling is something I’m very passionate about and the year gone by of being confined to the city has only increased my longing to explore and revisit different corners of our country and its varied scenic beauty.”
He adds, “When a trip combines nature and the outdoors set against the backdrop of a place as special as Ladakh and all of this is in addition to fulfilling work, it truly is the complete package. I return to Ladakh after fifteen years and what better way to go back than to be shooting for a new digital series.”