Home appliances and consumer electronics brand Haier on Wednesday announced the expansion of its Google-certified Android LED TV series in the Indian market at starting price of Rs 51,490.
The new K -Series TVs with 4K picture quality will be available in five sizes: 43-inch, 50-inch, 58-inch, 65-inch and 75-inch.
The 4K HDR television series comes with the latest Android 9.0 version certification with AI and can act as an IoT hub for all smart devices. The series comes packed with front-line innovations and smart features like Google Assistant that lets the user navigate the TV with just a voice command.
Furthermore, the TVs can be controlled through Bluetooth Voice remote control and Android TV mobile application to ensure an uninterrupted and seamless viewing experience for the consumers.
The new series also incorporates a built-in Google Chromecast that allows users to cast content from their smartphone directly on the Android TV.
The K-Series TVs houses two USB ports, along with built-in Wi-Fi. On the audio front, the TVs come up with Dolby Digital decoder and high-quality surround sound.
Haier launches AI-enabled 4K Smart LED TVs in India
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 | IANS
| New Delhi
Haier launches AI-enabled 4K Smart LED TVs in India
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 | IANS | New Delhi