The State Bank of India (SBI) celebrated the 1st Financial Inclusion CSP Day here on January 25. The day has been selected being the launch day of BC Model by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 2006. General Manager (NW-I) CLN Charyulu appreciated the contribution of BC Model in the field of financial literacy and inclusion thereby reducing the socio economic inequality at the grassroots level.
Among others, DGM (FI and MM) DC Bal, DGM ABU SB Khairnar and DGM SME MM Swain DGM SME also spoke highlighting the functioning of the BCs like social security schemes coverage, micro credit in agriculture and small enterprises. 26f BCs were felicitated in this function for adoption of 301villages with 100 per cent penetration of social security scheme. FLC Director BK Nayak coordinated the programme and AGM (FI) JK Patjoshi offered the vote of thanks.