Alpha Beta Gamma (ABG), a Hindi movie, directed by debutant Shankar Srikumar, was screened at IFFI’s 52nd edition in Goa in the Indian Panorama section at on November 24, 2021 with a full house and cheering audience. The selection committee appointed by the Central government has chosen just two Hindi films including ABG to compete in the Indian Panorama. Including other Indian languages, the committee selected 25 films from the 221 films screened. The movie will be screened along with Tamil movie ‘Koozhangal’, which is India's entry for Academy Awards 2022.
The movie was also featured in the final selection list at Amerta Film Festival (Istanbul). The two-hour-long film, Alpha Beta Gamma, has Nishan Naniah, Reena Aggarwal and Amit Kumar Vashishth. The movie is a joint production between Choti Film Productions & Knownsense Entertainment. The movie is co-written by Menka Sharma & Shankar Srikumar.
The highlights of the movie are - most of its lead actors, director, writer and producers are debutants; Most of the cast and crew members are FTII Alumni; It is one of the first feature films to be shot during the first lockdown of 2020.
Bang in the middle of the pandemic and a stringent lockdown, a group of friends set out with the cast and crew to Pune and returned with the movie - 'Alpha Beta Gamma'!
The selection jury was headed by acclaimed Filmmaker and actor SV Rajendra Singh Babu.
The story of Alpha, Beta, Gamma is set amidst the deadly COVID 19 virus that spreads across the globe, when a woman, her almost ex-husband, and her about-to-be husband are locked down under one roof for 14 days and they realize that it is very difficult to move on and even tougher to let go.
“Millennials live life on their own terms, treat relationships their way, the idea was to make a film that reflects life as is. The idea was to bring out the realism of the crazy cynicism of our lives. Love-hate, jealousy, greed, selfishness, and selflessness it’s all a part of a love story. 3 people 2 love stories 1 house. Love brings out the best in us, as also the worst. The film was made by a crew of 40 people against all odds is probably the worst time that the world has seen over the last 100 years,” said Shankar Srikumar, Director, Alpha Beta Gamma.
Jithin Raj of Knownsense Entertainment, producer of Alpha Beta Gamma said, “The screening with a house full of cheering audience of the movie Alpha Beta Gamma into the Indian Panorama of International Film Festival of India, Goa is a deeply gratifying recognition for a startup in movie production. We aim to produce quality movies with young talents and support transforming the movie culture. India has huge potential to emerge as the movie hub of the world. We look forward to build our movie production platform across all languages in India with global cooperation.”
The movie is co-produced by Choti Film Productions (Mona Shankar, Thomas Punnoose & Menka Sharma) and Knownsense Entertainment (Jithin Raj). The festival is being organized by the Directorate of Film Festivals of India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India in collaboration with the State Government of Goa.