Be a true leader

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Be a true leader

Wednesday, 06 January 2021 | Nisha Parikh

Be a true leader

Modern leaders not only instruct but also listen, collaborate, encourage growth and help the team members, says Nisha Parikh

It’s no rocket science to figure out that behind every successful venture, there is an extraordinary group of leaders. But you don’t become a leader within a day. Great leaders come from varied walks of life. They seldom follow any specific pre-determined path to attain leadership. While some are ‘born leaders’, the rest of them overcome obstacles and failures all along the way to become one. Leadership skills are intrinsic qualities that are hugely tough to cultivate and requires a struggle to develop.

Gone are the days where the boss gives instructions and expects his subordinates to follow them blindly. Modern leaders not only instruct but also listen, collaborate, encourage growth, and help the team members. These leaders work tirelessly each passing day to scale, empower, and uphold the prestige of their organisations. During a crisis, leaders remain at the forefront while directing their organisations to overcome the crisis. They take the responsibility and ownership of the organisation and do what is best for their organisations. They commence everything by changing their attitudes and building strength.

The significance of leadership in organisational development is simply unparalleled. Below listed are some of the fundamental ways through which leaders can support and uphold their organisations-

Leaders create leaders: Many people believe that leaders need followers. But the truth is that real leaders create more leaders and not followers. Modern leaders no more measure their influence by the number of followers they have. In stable times, aligning the organisation around the vision of a single leader seems focused and convenient. Everything can be controlled by a single hand in the right direction, right speed, and at the right time. But in difficult times, the ability to adapt becomes predominant. The ability to change is limited to an organisation of followers. Led by a single leader, the team might find difficulty in adapting to new customer needs, new technologies, economic environments, competitions etc. On the contrary, leaders who create more leaders can quickly adapt to the change. In this way, the workload gets reduced on the leader. Increased productivity, growth, and confidence is built assuring the well-being and growth of the organisation.

Visionary leadership: Leaders inspire and encourage team members in visionary leadership to achieve crucial yet rewarding goals and objectives. These leaders empower their teams so profoundly that employees figure out themselves the way to accomplish their unified goals. If a team is committed, they can accomplish incredible work. But if the team isn’t heading in the right direction towards organisational success, they will be viable. Without setting the objectives or involving them in the process, no team can succeed. Furthermore, leaders must assist individuals to associate their vision of the organisation and work according to the objectives of the team.

Leaders listen, defend and help: The most important skill a leader has to master is listening. It signals the foundation of good relationships with employees as it clearly articulates that leaders truly care for them. The quality of listening determines leaders’ quality of influence. Although it sounds easy, listening is a tough skill to master. Another significant skill is standing up for team members whenever they need help. By defending people, a long-term commitment, trust, credibility, and loyalty can be established that further boost the confidence levels of the team members.

Teamwork: Exceptional teamwork is the sole aspect that hugely contributes to an organisation’s success. Leaders begin by forming a team of skilled people who perform the task like a pro. The second step that leaders ought to do is to make their expectations known. Assuming that each team member knows what exactly needs to be done is wrong. The most important step the leader should do is to encourage teamwork.

The writer is VP — HR & Marketing, Telebu

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